Nine things you didn't know about me.
Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 6:00PM

1. I really really loathe meatloaf and meatballs. There's something about ground meat mixed with other weird items like eggs and breadcrumbs that makes my skin crawl.

2. I have a thing for celebrity gossip. Don't mess with my People magazine!

3. Due to the fact that I practically have amber eyes and sparkle in the sunlight like the Cullen vampires, a beach vacation is not my idea of a good time. But I love the water and enjoy swimming.

4. I always wait until the last possible second to wash my hair. I need at least a full day of disgustingness to convince me that washing it is necessary. I have always been this way. But I love the water and enjoy swimming.

5. Every time I have ever gotten a manicure I have regretted it. The polish either started peeling or chipping off immediately, or it hurt when they cut my cuticles. I got a French manicure the day before my wedding and it was already chipping by the morning of my wedding. Why? WHY? Do I have an anti-polish enzyme on my nails? Am I freakishly clumsy?

6. Whenever the server clears my plate at a restaurant, I feel a pang of sympathy. I've never been a server, but carrying away other people's dirty dishes and congealed food sounds miserable. Consequently, I am a very good tipper.

7. I have a thing about doing things correctly. If it's going to be done, I want it done correctly. I hate to admit this, but I went to a concert recently where the person was just singing and playing her guitar. She had a beautiful voice, but I couldn't take my eyes off her terrible guitar-playing form. She had her hand wrapped all the way around the neck, and was using her thumb -- her THUMB! -- to create some of the chords. A travesty of epic proportions. No matter that it sounded exactly the same, all I could see was my conservatory teacher rolling in his grave.

Except he's still alive. But if he were dead, he would have been aghast.

8. Wool socks or no socks. Cold enough for socks? Have to be wool. Too hot for wool? Then nothing.

9. I avoid most social situations. I'm not really shy, it's just that they make me uncomfortable. I like to be home. But I do like the water and enjoy swimming.

Article originally appeared on Yarnista (
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