I'm begging you.
Saturday, February 12, 2011 at 7:29PM

Please do not buy these.

That would just be very, very wrong of you. You don't like purple! You don't like cashmere!

And for sure don't go near this:

Ick! It's hideous! It's a good thing it's a one of a kind colorway, no one wants to see the likes of that again!

And for Pete's sake, don't go near the earth tones.

They're so unflattering. And who wants socks that actually match your wardrobe? Yeesh.

Uh, this? This can take a long walk off a short pier.


If I have to see the likes of this one more time, I might cry.

For crying out loud.

Oh dear.

You don't want this. No way, no how.

You do not want to shop in peace and comfort at Bobbin's Nest Studio. You don't want a change of pace from the hubub of Stitches West.  You don't enjoy adorable yarn shops. You hate colorways that can never be reproduced. And you definitely don't want friendly staff to greet you when you walk in.  Who does, really?

I'm begging you. Do not visit the store at 1171 Homestead Rd in Santa Clara, do not call there at 408.246.1121, do not send an email to bobbinsnest@gmail.com, don't like them on Facebook, don't follow them on Twitter, don't try and shop in the e-Nest, don't join the Bobbin's Nest Ravelry group, don't arrange for mail order delivery if you can't make it to California in person, don't do any of those things.

Because it just means there's more left over for me!




Sorry, got carried away there for a minute.

Uh, back to what I was saying: trying to procure any of these colorways next weekend is just a bad, bad idea.

So don't do it. No. Stop. Come back.

Don't go.

Dang it.

Oh well.


Can't blame me for tryin'!

Article originally appeared on Yarnista (http://www.yarnista.com/).
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