behind the scenes

I'm just going to come right out and say it: our yarn clubs are the best.
I don't say that to be prideful, I don't say it to put anyone else down. I'm just stating a fact. They're the best.
I could give you a litany of reasons why they're so awesome: great colorways, great yarns, great format, great customer service. But the truth of the matter is that they're the best because of the people in them.
Nice, nice, fun, awesome people. They make the marathon days at the end of the month leading up to club shipping worth it.
It takes a long time to dye close to 1,000 skeins of yarn. It takes an entire day to do all the prep work to ship multiple truck loads of packages.
Because people can order as many skeins as they want, very few packages are the same, which means there is no assembly line of packages where we put one skein in an envelope, slap a label on it, and call it cool.
You can see an example of my color coded shipping list. It takes 5-8 hours just to make the color coded shipping lists.
It then takes about six hours just to run all of the shipping labels. Because people order different quantities and are located all over the world, I can't just do a mail merge and set the weight and walk away.
And it takes three people two days just to label everything. By the end of the prep day, the studio looks like a maze -- we've got individual orders set aside, ready to be packed, we've got all of the sock club extras assembled and ready, we've got snacks and music and iced tea.
Tomorrow's the big day! Fly away, little babies!