I want to give you this.

So today, I was just

You know, like every other day. Sittin' around. Doing nothing except rocking in the ol' rocking chair and admiring the view.
And I thought to myself, "Self, you oughtta give away a skein of yarn."
And then I answered myself.
I said, "Self, you are correct. I shall see to it at once."

I love it when I listen to myself.
This skein is not just any old skein. It has magic in it, old magic. Creative magic. The magic of Creativity.
Sometimes the mood strikes me to make something new and different. I often have to ignore my friend Creativity, much to her chagrin.

But sometimes I can't ignore her. She begs and stamps her foot and sticks out her lower lip. She beckons, and I am helpless but to follow.

This is a one of a kind colorway. It is part of a small dye lot, and can never, ever be recreated. I didn't write down the recipe, I didn't follow my usual methods, I just dumped and mixed and tasted until it was right.

Here's what I'm thinking. Sometimes, I will let Creativity have her way. I will make special colorways that have never been seen before and will never be seen again. Colorways like this:

And once in a while, I'll put this never-to-be-seen-again colorways up for sale, just for fun.

This will let me be creative and will let you get something extra special.
I already have about 25 special creative skeins ready to rock. Instock and ready to rock, just the way they should be.
But I want to have a name for these special stockings, so I can say, "Super Duper Creative Yarn Stocking Tomorrow!" or, "Wednesday will be a Special Spectacular Skein Stocking!"
This is where you and the giveaway meet. If you can give me a name that I like for these stockings, I will give you this skein of yarn:

It's Adorn Sock. It will never be seen again after this Awesomely Amazing -- or whatever I end up calling it -- stocking that I'll have in the near future.
Here are some ideas that I have so far:
Serendipity Skeins
Batch of the Day
Yarn du jour
Something along these lines. You leave a comment with a suggestion. If I pick yours, I'll send you the yarn.
To clarify, this isn't a suggestion for the name of the colorway, you're suggesting a name for the ongoing series of stockings I have planned with one of a kind colorways.
I will take suggestions until 7:30 pm Eastern tomorrow, and will choose something tomorrow evening. Feel free to enter as many times as you like, I need all the help I can get.
Help! Creativity will wait for no woman!

You know, like every other day. Sittin' around. Doing nothing except rocking in the ol' rocking chair and admiring the view.
And I thought to myself, "Self, you oughtta give away a skein of yarn."
And then I answered myself.
I said, "Self, you are correct. I shall see to it at once."

I love it when I listen to myself.
This skein is not just any old skein. It has magic in it, old magic. Creative magic. The magic of Creativity.
Sometimes the mood strikes me to make something new and different. I often have to ignore my friend Creativity, much to her chagrin.

But sometimes I can't ignore her. She begs and stamps her foot and sticks out her lower lip. She beckons, and I am helpless but to follow.

This is a one of a kind colorway. It is part of a small dye lot, and can never, ever be recreated. I didn't write down the recipe, I didn't follow my usual methods, I just dumped and mixed and tasted until it was right.

Here's what I'm thinking. Sometimes, I will let Creativity have her way. I will make special colorways that have never been seen before and will never be seen again. Colorways like this:

And once in a while, I'll put this never-to-be-seen-again colorways up for sale, just for fun.

This will let me be creative and will let you get something extra special.
I already have about 25 special creative skeins ready to rock. Instock and ready to rock, just the way they should be.
But I want to have a name for these special stockings, so I can say, "Super Duper Creative Yarn Stocking Tomorrow!" or, "Wednesday will be a Special Spectacular Skein Stocking!"
This is where you and the giveaway meet. If you can give me a name that I like for these stockings, I will give you this skein of yarn:

It's Adorn Sock. It will never be seen again after this Awesomely Amazing -- or whatever I end up calling it -- stocking that I'll have in the near future.
Here are some ideas that I have so far:
Serendipity Skeins
Batch of the Day
Yarn du jour
Something along these lines. You leave a comment with a suggestion. If I pick yours, I'll send you the yarn.
To clarify, this isn't a suggestion for the name of the colorway, you're suggesting a name for the ongoing series of stockings I have planned with one of a kind colorways.
I will take suggestions until 7:30 pm Eastern tomorrow, and will choose something tomorrow evening. Feel free to enter as many times as you like, I need all the help I can get.
Help! Creativity will wait for no woman!
Reader Comments (171)
Okay one more:
TIG's TIG (Three Irish Girls' Totally Irreplicable Gorgeousness)
Ooh, another:
sumptuous serendipitious skeins
Love of the Irish
Inspiration Strikes
Fairy Kisses
Today's Treasures
Threads of Fate
Otherworldly Treasures
Masterpiece Originals
a few more --
End of the Rainbow Skeins
Happy Chances
Serendipitous Surprises
I still have Spongebob's theme song from the BEST DAY EVER show in my head. This is the best day ever....!
Strokes of Genius
Carpe Yarnem
Rare Gems
Fleeting Fleece
Sample Delights
Incomparable Offerings
Skein A Day
Uncommon Bobbins
The Unique Boutique
Seldom Skeins
Infrequent Fibers
Rara Avis (latin for unique person or thing, although that's singular, so perhaps rarae aves?)
Totally lovely colorways; it's a terrble shame that they will never be recreated.
As far as a name:
(because I am always anticipating what wonderful thing you will thrill us with next)
That being said, if I have to explain it to you, it's probably not a good option. Can't wait to see what you select.
Spectrum Stockings
Brighid's Bounty
She is the Celtic/Irish goddess of inspiration, poetry, crafts and some say healing. Sounds good to me!
Luck of the Irish
The Once and no Future Skeins
For One Day Only
Once in a Lifetime
I apologize - I haven't read them all, so if I repeat, it isn't intentional or malicious:)
Magical Mystery Skeins
Wishing Well Skeins/Lots
Seize the Skeins! (which might be better as a subtitle, which would be really cool - Serendipitous Stockings, seize the skeins!)
How about Colors Without a Plan?
I just love all the Irish suggestions, esp referring to Tuatha De Danaan; or amhain den chanail
Solo Selections
The Skein Game
Skein Scramble
Sharon's Secret Skeins
When Irish Eyes See Color!
I like that last one the best! And that skein of yarn is so gorgeous it must be mine!
(If I repeated anyone's suggestion - sorry, no time to read all)
Dye Whimzy!
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
Treasures from the Vault
Adopt a skein day
Noodling for Socks
"Sock it to me"
Never not socking
Just because
Wednesday's Onesies
Magical Mystery Skeins
Fleeting Fancies
Fiber Fantasies
"Fate & Whimsy yarns"
"Skeins of Whimsy(or Fate)"
"Jamais Vu yarns" (It's the opposite of Deja vu, meaning "never seen")
"Fruits of inspiration yarns"
"Flash of inspiration yarns"
"flash of whimsy yarns"
"Amuse the muse yarns"
Obv. you could replace "yarns" with "skeins" for any of these. That yarn is just lovely!
Yarn Without Constructions (or san constructions if you want to be fancy & french)
Constructions are what my 6-year-old calls the instructions that you use to construct Lego kits
Fairy Tales (Once Upon A Time)
Four Leaf Clovers