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The Yarnista Answers Your Questions Eight

Your questions are keeping me up at night. I will not rest until I can be sure that you know absolutely everything you need to know.

Which actually explains quite a lot about me. 

Rhiannon asks,

What do you like most about running yarn of the month clubs?

Well, I'll tell you, Rhiannon. I'll tell you because that is the whole point of this column, The Yarnista Answers Your Questions. What good would this column be if I didn't actually tell you anything?

I like the people a lot. It's fun to collaborate with awesome designers, and it's also a hoot to get to know the club members.

The club members and I, we're as thick as thieves. We discuss world affairs and great literature.  We talk auto mechanics and jet propulsion. We chat about concepts like, "Is there such a thing as Truth, or is the truth different for each person because of their subjective experiences? Can we ever really know Truth?" One of my favorite discussions centered around globalization and emerging world markets. We elucidated points on how to best capitalize on resources without exploiting indigenous cultures. We debated whether Rahm Emanuel's prior Capitol Hill experience will hurt or hinder him in his new role as White House Chief of Staff.

Actually, we haven't discussed anything in the previous paragraph at all. But they're on the list of scheduled topics.

The club members and I have devoted ourselves to the discussion of important things like adult incontinence as related to wool delivery. (I believe the medical term for this is "Peeing One's Self From Excitement Due To Yarn Arrival.") The size of sheep testicles is also something we've frequently pondered. Just why are they so big? Try thinking about that the next time you can't sleep.


In addition to getting to know the club members, I enjoy the process of coming up with new club colorways. I have to make something new and exciting every month. It can be hard when Creativity is not on my side, but I persevere. I like dyeing all the club yarns, checking off how many left to go, and then I love Yarn Party Day.

Yarn Party Day occurs during the third week of the month, and it's when I bring in three people to help me do nothing but pack packages all day long.  The packing room becomes filled with packages, and you can't even walk around. It makes me feel giddy.

And then the best best part is taking all the packages to the post office and waving goodbye, knowing they'll soon be rumbling and winging their way to their new homes. I kiss them, wish them well, and hope they'll be the beloved darlings of their new parents.

I am quite likely the only person ever, in the history of the United States Postal Service, to stand at the loading dock while my packages are being wheeled away and wave and get teary.


I love seeing the yarn drying on the lines. It's incredibly difficult to photograph this. I only have a 50mm lens, and I really need something with a wider angle to take a picture of a small room filled with nine drying lines. I need to get a new lens. Nikon lovers, any suggestions?

Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!


Look at these huddled masses. They're just yearning to be free.

I love coming up with little treats to include in the packages. Someday I'm going to come up with a blog post that shows all the treats.  (If you're in the club and you ever hate your treat, just send it right back on home to me, I'll give it some love.)

I could go on and on about the quest for the best base yarns, the fun I have seeing which colorway choice will prove to be most popular, the joy I feel looking at a mountain of freshly wound and labeled yarn. But I think I've answered your question, Rhiannon. Yes?

(Rhiannon, by the way, is a lovely person who happens to have a colorway named just for her.)

Thus, the end to this column has arrived. Please stay tuned for another exciting episode, in which we discuss things like, Just how did you come to be the Yarnista? Does the Yarnista wear a cape?

This is the last one for a while.

Because I'm sure everyone is SICK TO DEATH of this parade. Here is the last contestant in our Parade of Rejects.

When I saw this yarn, I asked myself, "Yeah?"


And then I answered myself, "Neah."


Is "neah" even a word?

I would knit with this.

Would you?


Because I love anything with turquoise.


There's just something not quite perfect about this one. I'll keep tinkering.

It’s said that indifference is the opposite of love.

Do you think that's true? Because I am very very indifferent about this colorway.




I really dislike this one.

On, like, every level.


Sorry, dude.

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