Bird's eye view

This is what I look like to my three year old, who took this picture.
And this is what she looks like to me.
Sometimes things are better as a grown up.
Once in a while. If you're lucky enough to have a spunkosaurus for a three year old.

Reader Comments (11)
How sweet :)
Ooooooh...Little Gleegirl. I love her. She spent the night at Grandma's house a couple of nights ago, on a little pallet on the floor in our bedroom. She was perfect. She also built "Big Ben" with a bunch of Magformers. I can't wait to have her over again, but first Mr. McBoy and Mrs. Nisky have to take their turns.
Dang is she getting cute and she doesn't look like a baby anymore. :( It's been too long since I have seen her (and the other kiddos, for that matter!).
How is it that she is 3 already?? I remember when you closed your shop after she was born like it was just yesterday....
She's adorable, and I love the peek of your top - great fabric!
Awww, she is adorable! My little guy turned three this weekend, how did that happen so fast?
Ohmygosh the adorableness...
Oh my goodness, she looks just like Daughter #1! Wow, she's gorgeous. Mazal Tov on raising such beautiful children.
She is delicious! And she does so look like your older daughter.
Holy cow, she is CUTE!! I expect there to be little bunnies playing at her feet and bluebirds chirping over her shoulders at any moment! How do you stand it?
She's is just way too cute.
She's adorable!