Keep it together

But I'm keeping it together. See? All is well.
I get to eat in restaurants that do not serve chicken nuggets!
I'm just answering emails, returning phone calls, dyeing yarn. Normal stuff.
Yarn must be shipped. The world doesn't stop because
I'll be in California in less than 48 hours!!!!
But you know what I will not have with me?
Chicken nuggets.
Hey, I have a question.
Is this the look they're sporting in the Bay Area these days?
Police officer chic?
Or is this more like it?
Help a girl out, wouldya?
I'm keeping it together. I'm going to get back to being deeply immersed in my work to distract myself.
There are only a couple of spots left in my super fun multi-media class at Bobbin's Nest Studio in Santa Clara. I would hate for you to wait too long and miss it -- there will be lots of samples and examples and concrete ways to improve your relationship with hand dyed yarn.
Something you've been dying to know about me, yarn, or the meaning of life? Now will be your chance to ask. We'll talk about how yarn is dyed, how to tell what kind of yarn you've got in your stash, and how to make best use of it.
New knitter, old knitter, doesn't matter. I'm here to hook you up.
See? Friendly. Helpful. Calm because I'm carrying yarn.
But not chicken nuggets.
You can sign up by emailing Bobbin's Nest Studio at, or by giving them a jingle. Their number is 408-246-1121.

Reader Comments (16)
And yet again, so jealous!!! :D
You look like so much fun to be around :)
I want a Keep Calm and Carry Yarn shirt.
Me too... ;-)
OMG, you crack me up. Enjoy California!
Super PO'd that I had to leave San Jose today and miss all the fun. Hows the mac treating you??? I sincerely hope you guys have made up and become friends. Don was ready and standing by to help. You will be so close to the mothership in Cupertino. Love the pics! An I believe if you have not created the "Keep Calm and Carry Yarn" tshirt on Cafe Press.. you should run not walk to take care of that.
For those that would like the tshirt,428889450
Love it! I just wish I could be there to meet our Yarnista in person. Maybe one day.
I wish, I WISH I could join you, it sounds like wonderful HULLABALOO wallowing in yarn! Have fun.
Wonderful, entertaining post to read right before bed. I wish I could join you, it sounds like a blast. Have a safe and marvelous trip.
I just wish you were a little more excited about the trip. ;-)
Your first picture reminded me immediately of the day my son discovered Deliciousness could make a great hairpiece:
I know, I really must learn to muster some enthusiasm. It's one of my worst traits, I'm never excited about anything.
Jen, the only difference between me and your son is that he probably wants to eat in restaurants that serve chicken nuggets.
Oh, Sharon, you have no idea of the love affair between my son and chicken nuggets. It is exceeded only by the love affair his SISTER has with chicken nuggets. BUT, after we ditch the, allow the kids to spend some quality time with their aunt and uncle this weekend, we will be exploring Seattle-area restaurants that DON'T serve chicken nuggets.
So I totally get it.
Sadly Maria, though I would love a Keep Calm and Carry Yarn t-shirt, the shirts do not come in sizes large enough.
Yarnista, I hope that you have an amazing time in CA. You must share the adventure with us; complete with the menu from the restaurant.
Sharon, I love you. This is a hilarious post. It's like being with you in real life. Also, you look thin. And very very healthy and happy.
This post reminds me of a cute little video you enjoyed showing first semester. Let me see if I can remember the words....I believe it has something to do with "how a bill becomes a law." You loved to sing the title song.
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