things i'm loving right now.

These shoes.
Source: via Yarnista on Pinterest
This revolutionary idea: you don't need a fireplace to have an awesome mantel.
Source: via Yarnista on Pinterest
Salted Nutella fudge. Do you say Nutella, as in Nut- (like peanut) ella, or New-tella? My friend and I pronounce it differently.
Source: via Yarnista on Pinterest
This sentiment:
Source: via Yarnista on Pinterest
This table setting, which I'm sure will be waiting for me just past the pearly gates of heaven.
Source: via Yarnista on Pinterest
A very simple recipe for chalkboard paint. I have so many paint samples, and I love the idea of not being confined to black chalkboard paint.
Source: via Yarnista on Pinterest
This pumpkin decorating technique. You could use glow in the dark paint for outside, if you want to be extra awesome.
Source: via Yarnista on Pinterest
This new colorway, coming very soon. Mad Hatter.
And this baby:
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What things are you loving right now?

Reader Comments (8)
Right now, I'm loving that there are still six more days until school starts again. :) The j. crew fall catalog is pretty lovable, too.
It's pronounced Nut (as in walnut, peanut) + ella. I'm pretty positive that's the proper way, since when I was in elementary school my friends' dad worked for the company and they always had some in the house. (They also got these enormous boxes of candy at every major and minor holiday, which they'd invariably share...yes, I've always had excellent taste in friends!)
who knew?
According to the commercials its New-tella. I can't decide what I love more, the yarn, the table setting or the baby. Well the baby is a given for first (she's gorgeous!), so the other two will have to be tied lol.
1) I also love those shoes. They'll never grace my feet, but they'll likely get pinned to my clothing & style board so that the Imaginary Graceful Amy can wear them.
2) Correctly or incorrectly, I pronounce it New-tella.
3) Oh, Baby Shamrock. You're delightful in your pics.
4) Right now, I'm loving: how our chicken-cat ran around the house extra-crazy this morning; my delicious breakfast sandwich of salami+egg+ cheese on a kaiser roll; the music of Patty Griffin; and the fact that I'll be at Walt Disney World & Happy Potter world (!!! Harry! Potter!) in just 22 days. And also the socks that I'm knitting right now: simple, plain socks out of yarn in a bright, happy colorway on warm, strong, smooth, 4.25" long carbon fiber DPNs.
1 - I pronounce it Nut-ella, for better or for worse.
2 - Loving the pictures of Baby Shamrock, especially her sweet smiles, and her eyes. I don't see blue eyes that dark very often...they remind me a bit of Trisha's Vortex Blanket, lol. In a good way though, promise! The yarn teases are great too, and I'm excited for what looks like another rainbow...but babies will always win that battle :)
3 - Other things I'm loving right now: Jordana Paige's Knitter's Satchel in Pink. Bright colors in general. Strong coffees with coarse grinds. My first taste of Glenhaven, even if it's not mine. Goofy baby hats that look like berries, pumpkins, sundaes, pies, or any other roundish fruit/confection. I'm also getting into counted cross-stitch right now; it's nice to work on when I'm too frazzled to comprehend knitting patterns.
I may have to go peruse the J. Crew catalog now, per Claire's suggestion :)
Well, I love that table setting also - so cool and relaxing. Hopefully I will be sitting there when you cross those Pearly Gates - knitting, of course! I say New-tella, and therefore that must be correct! lol Do you have the recipe for that fudge? I really want some right now!
Oh, oh, OH!! I'm loving all the things you're loving right now. And I have to go pin things now. :)
It's NUT-ella. As in hazelnut. Which is what it's made out of. Not newts. That's a Halloween idea right there, though...might need some additional thought.
I pronounce it Nut-ella, but as I've never eaten it I don't think I should count. :)
Things I'm loving right now:
1. It's cooling down!
2. My DD is coming home for a visit in October!
3. My niece is coming to stay with us for 2 months before she returns to her gallivanting lifestyle.
4. I have awesome family and friends.
I'm also loving these sneak peeks at the new colors!