almost ready for college

Mrs. Baby Shamrock will be graduating from high school in just a week or two.
She's a fine young adult. Very studious.
Fluent in three languages.
Does a lot of community service.
This fall, she'll be headed to a large university, where she intends to study public policy.
Her father is so proud.
Maybe someday, she'll meet a nice young man and settle down and have babies of her own.
But we hope she finishes graduate school first.
We're about to become empty nesters here.
I won't know what to do with my time. Shall I take up knitting?
Maybe I'll learn to dye yarn or something. I've been wondering if I would be good at that.
Don't forget to call, Mrs. Baby! Or text. Or Snapchat. Or whatever you youngsters are doing these days.
I'll never stop wanting to nibble your cheeks!
Reader Comments (10)
Mrs. Baby IS so growed up! I hope she does call you often! She is so sweet and beautiful.
This made me cry! My "baby" graduated from high school last week and is off to Carnegie Mellon University in the fall.
Oh mylanta - look at how big she's gotten! I can't believe it. My eldest "baby" just completed her sophomore year at university this year and my "baby" baby will complete 2nd grade tomorrow. Time truly does fly. Nibble those cheeks while you can - they kinda frown on it when they're 20... trust me.
Oh My!! I guess I shouldn't be surprised! I was just saying how Lucy has become a grown up baby this week - and Mrs. Baby is a bit older than her - so to be going off to college IS the next logical step. So sweet!!
I can't get over what a sweet little baby she is. Every time I'm with her I get a little thrill inside because she's in our family! We are so blessed to know and love Mrs. Baby! xo
It's really such a shame that she's such an ill-mannered, cranky high schooler, too. That one doesn't have any personality or anything to smile and laugh about. So sorry for you. Sigh.
There will be no boys! None! Its" Superfund and Me until graduation (the second or third graduation!)... kissable!!!!!! And beautiful!!!!!
Shamrock looks much taller than my almost 1-year-old, but just as beautiful ;-)
This dress is very cute, very beautiful