Weekend contest!

It's a beautiful weekend here in Washington, DC. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, there are only 59,000 cars on the Beltway, and school's out for the summer.
To celebrate, we're giving away a skein of Brennan on our new Kells Sport Merino. This is a soft, machine washable (on gentle, please!) yarn with a lovely drape. Brennan is a medium brown with a golden undertone.
A-HA! Here's a picture:

We'll send this to you, no strings attached. Leave a comment answering the question below, and we'll randomly draw an entry on Sunday morning.
Here's the question: What are some of your pet peeves? Good luck. :D
To celebrate, we're giving away a skein of Brennan on our new Kells Sport Merino. This is a soft, machine washable (on gentle, please!) yarn with a lovely drape. Brennan is a medium brown with a golden undertone.
A-HA! Here's a picture:

We'll send this to you, no strings attached. Leave a comment answering the question below, and we'll randomly draw an entry on Sunday morning.
Here's the question: What are some of your pet peeves? Good luck. :D
Reader Comments (94)
People (or should I say husbands) who can't just watch one show and must click between 3 or 4
different shows
No toilet paper left on the roll!!!
Horizontal stripes on plus-sized women's shirts. Really, do the larger women of the world REALLY need to look wider? Seriously? Grr! Can you tell I attempted to go clothes shopping today?
Husbands that trick us into thinking they aren't really sports fans until they get the ring on the finger - then it is ESPN 24/7.
Fox news.
Not sharing.
My Pet Peeves:
People who always "know more" than you, no matter what the subject.
Kids that run around screaming, etc., and the parents don't do anything about it.
Store clerks, waiters, etc. who ignore my kids and only talk to me.
The biggest one for me ---- People who cuss or use vulger language in front of my kids or any kid.
some but not all
-people who stop in front of me while shopping
-people who stare at me knitting and make rude comments
-people who speed up to pass you, get in front of you and slow down.
My pet peeves would be:
One-Uppers: You know, the person who always knows someone who has done something bigger, better, or more expensive than anything that you know.
Slow-Ass Drivers who drive in the left lane and refuse to get over because they think that they are driving so fast at 2 MPH over the speed limit.
Husbands/Sons: something attached to that 'boy' chromosome that makes them unable to change the roll of toilet paper in the bathroom - EVER!
Those are enough for now, I guess.
Drivers who don't seem to realize: yes, you do have a signal! (Now please use it!)
Drivers who obviously don't know how to drive on curvy roads and think that it's ok to cut the corners! (We live in the foothills and get many weekend city folk who want to cuddle up next to you head on!)
I don't have grammar pet peeves (as do many) because I'm probably one of the repeat offenders! Although in my defense...many of the quoted transgressions were new to me! :)
Drivers who seem to have no idea how to use the accelarator pedal.
Drivers who believe they must brake as soon as they see a brake light 1/2 mile in front of them.
Poor grammar, particularly in business writing - successful spell checking does not necessarily mean that the document is well written.
Screaming children in upscale restaurants.
My pet peeves... members leaving their dirty clothes ON the hamper or on the floor NEXT TO the hamper instead of lifting the lid and putting them IN the hamper, LOL husband not putting the cheese away in the cheese drawer in the fridge, even though that's where he just got it from! :}
...rampant misuse of commas
oh there are so many but tonight its a malfunctioning phone trunk calling me continuously - and the lame employees not doing anything to fix it! and I can't not answer bc I am at work and it might be a real call- ugh
but the picture of that lovely yarn is soothing :)
Having been out to Merriweather last night, I can say that one of my big pet peeves is people who talk through concerts. Not the odd comment or the whispered conversation or the exuberant child. Oh, no. Those I could handle. Instead, there are people who will shell out $40 for a ticket plus a significant amount of money for food and even more for ever-flowing beer and then talk through the whole thing. And because there are these crazy people up on stage singing, they're practically shouting at one another. Oy!
LOL, I love the question. Pet Peeves: My husband leaving his socks on the floor, people who stop in the middle of the road to let other people turn left, and my ups man!
At the top of my list is the psycho phone call for no apparent reason or emergency. Often when I am trying to watch a DVD or grab a quick nap, my dear dad will call my home phone and if he doesn't get an answer, will immediately dial my cell phone, if I don't answer the cell, (yep, you guessed it) the home phone will ring again! This vicious circle will continue until I reach a state of exasperation and pick up. His salutation without fail .... "How are you? Nothing is going on up here." :-)
Well, after finding your website and purchasing the brand new Brennan, which is absolutely beautiful, I would have to say that my current pet peave is: Buying the brand new Brennan before looking over the brand new website (that I adore) and finding out that the Brennan is being given away in a contest! But I still want it because it is a really pretty colorway and my husband liked it so much he said I could add it to my newly growing stash! Shh, don't tell him I ordered more than one skein of yarn! :)
Pet Peeves:
Poor grammar
People who say Yous guys and I seen that...among other things.
Drivers who ride my butt when I am already going over the speed limit in the right hand lane.
Parents who let kids run rampant in social situations (i.e...running up and down aisles during a movie)
Not using capitals when writing
Teenagers and their radios when driving (turn down the bass before my house is shaken back down to its foundation)
Stares from people when knitting during Movies for Mommies or Stars and Strollers (moms are great multi-taskers!)
Gorgeous yarn as always!
I'd say my biggest pet peeve would be people that talk too much, lol!
People who pick their nails, skin, or scabs in public... gross! I'm actually surprised at how often I see it.
while you are driving the speed limit with NO one behind you, someone pulls in front of you, you have to slam on the brakes and somehow that makes you the idiot...huh?
Pet Peeves:
- People who tell me I'm knitting "wrong" because I knit continental. 'Tis true, has happened several times.
- People who can't take a joke.
- People who can't master simple html when already given several sets of various instructions. I know, I know, I'm lucky to understand it and it isn't that easy, but I don't like it when people can't follow some steps.
- People who use cell phones in inappropriate places, like libraries and grocery store lineups.
- Telemarketers.
- Tourists who throw garbage in the river.
pet peeves:
-people who make turns in front of people walking across crosswalks,
-flat tires when you are less then halfway home(bike,)
-obnoxious writing in bathroom stalls.
drivers who don't use their turn signals.
People who don't flush the toilet in public restrooms or in the bathroom of a home they are visiting!
One of my pet peeves are people who don't use their turn signals and cute me off in traffic. :(