Weekend contest!

It's a beautiful weekend here in Washington, DC. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, there are only 59,000 cars on the Beltway, and school's out for the summer.
To celebrate, we're giving away a skein of Brennan on our new Kells Sport Merino. This is a soft, machine washable (on gentle, please!) yarn with a lovely drape. Brennan is a medium brown with a golden undertone.
A-HA! Here's a picture:

We'll send this to you, no strings attached. Leave a comment answering the question below, and we'll randomly draw an entry on Sunday morning.
Here's the question: What are some of your pet peeves? Good luck. :D
To celebrate, we're giving away a skein of Brennan on our new Kells Sport Merino. This is a soft, machine washable (on gentle, please!) yarn with a lovely drape. Brennan is a medium brown with a golden undertone.
A-HA! Here's a picture:

We'll send this to you, no strings attached. Leave a comment answering the question below, and we'll randomly draw an entry on Sunday morning.
Here's the question: What are some of your pet peeves? Good luck. :D
Reader Comments (94)
I'll answer first. (And no, I will not allow myself to win the prize, much as I want to.)
Pet peeves:
-- Excessively long fingernails. I know someone whose acrylic nails are AT LEAST three inches long, no exaggeration. How does one type under those circumstances?
-- Bad plastic surgery. People with obvious face lifts do not look younger. They look old with a tight face.
-- Bad pluralization. Like on restaurant menus when the category reads "Special's." Sigh.
cell phones in the library
clerks who give you the wrong change and then argue with you when you try to give some change back to make it right
In no particular order:
-people who are driving behind you, pass you, then slow down
-people out walking their dog on a leash who let the dog wander over to your front lawn to do their business then walk away without picking it up
-viagra spam
-all the rain we've been having
First, I have to say - what lovely yarn you have!! I never win contests, but I'll play along for fun ;)
Pet Peeves:
- Rudeness! There's no excuse for treating other people badly.
- When people use "it's" as a possessive form.
I'm sure I could think of a few more, but I don't want to sound too picky ;) Thanks for a fun contest & have a great weekend!
1. Using nouns as verbs
2. Road rage drivers
Thanks for the contest!
-people who take forever in the coffee shop line when I'm already late for work
-that every stop light through town is always red when I go through
loud gum-chewers :) (no offense meant to quiet gum-chewers, of course)
I have two current pet peeves; the first is grammar related (Sharon, I feel your pain about the grocer's apostrophe!! It is RAMPANT in the UK and it always drove me insane.): "where" instead of "were", as in, "We where at the beach." and incorrect usage of you're/your and they're/their/there.
The second is people who send me an email at work and then call when I don't respond within 2 minutes. Again and again and again. If I'm not responding to email, odds are I am either not at my desk or busy with a project that can't be interrupted! I am not ignoring email for fun, I promise.... it is not my job to do your job for you!
My biggest pet peeve is bad busdrivers.
That's it ;)
People who dont wash there hands when going near babies, People who cant seem to understand what your saying but have tips and comments, People who make more of something that should be left alone, People who order over the counter and stand for five minutes changing that order, Rude People!!!!
Drivers who cut off bicyclists.
People who can't manage the appropriate use of the apostrophe.
People who mis-use their, there, and they're, to, too, and two, sight, cite, and site, and it's and its.
And people who refuse to look up/spell check the proper spelling of definitely!
Drivers who pass on the shoulder at intersections!!!!
Drivers who drive 65mph during the first snow so they can get home quicker!!
Drivers who tailgate!
People who won't blow their noses. They insist on slurping it up instead. Yummo:P
People who chit chat in the grocery store while doing so they are blocking up the aisle so no one can pass.
Pencils. I can't stand the sound of an unsharpened pencil on paper. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard for me.
the barn builder who told me i'd have my barn before Christmas last Thanksgiving, and 2 coyote attacks & 2 dead animals later, it's still not done & they aren't returning phone calls.
Some of my pet peeves include:
*various errors in grammar, particularly those relating to apostrophes
*people who assume I cannot be serious about knitting because I am so young(ish)
*people who comment on the similarity of my name to Rihanna's, and ask if I am named after her
*being treated poorly/ignored by sales associates at businesses because clearly, being a woman means I know nothing about home insurance/paint/cars/etc.
When people mess up there/their/they're.
When people don't use cruise control and clearly need to.
- people talking on cell phones while drving. even worse while parking.
- people talking on cell phones while driving and then getting irate at YOU when THEY have done something stupid!
- the phrase baby mama UGH!
- certain misspellings that seem to be so accepted like expresso - there is NO SUCH THING!!!
Students who do use spell check but still use "defiantly" instead of "definitely" in their papers.
Recorded phone calls from politicians.
- People who drive slow, but speed up as you try to pass.
-People who think they can offer you helpful advice when they know nothing about the situation (i.e. mil and sil telling me that my child needs more sleep.)
-People who write in text speak . . .
My pet peeves include fingernail biting and dh yelling something at me from across the house instead of just walking in the room to tell me whatever it is he has to say. Grrrr.
Pet Peeves:
**Adults who act like children--this all stems from when I worked in retail. Some of the childish displays I saw from customers were ridiculous.
**People who cannot drive the speed limit or faster.
Products that come packaged in apparently bullet-proof plastic, which scissors can barely penetrate. And the cut edges of the plastic are sharp enough to cut you, and frequently do!
Striping or patterning yarn, like from Noro or Regia, that has been broken and knotted in a way that totally screws up the stripe sequence. Grrrrr.
Not getting gauge.
--People with strong opinions on topics they have no real life experience with (Mothering advice from non-mothers;))
--A certain person in my life that screens all calls and yet gets peeved if we don't answer after one ring
--FWD: FWD: Emails from friends....I know they mean well but I am not interested.
lovely new yarns - truly lovely!
pet peeves:
"idea-r" *eyeroll* - there's no "r" on the end of the word!!!
"Where are you from?" "MA" "Oh, you don't have the accent, though!" "I didn't say Boston."
people who come in the house late and loudly while children are sleeping; and people who get up while said children are still sleeping in the morning and stir their coffee like a dinnerbell.