If I were missing, would you miss me?

Think on that.
And while you're thinking, distract yourself with the highlight of my yarn career.
Get back to me.
And while you're thinking, distract yourself with the highlight of my yarn career.
Get back to me.

Reader Comments (25)
Oh good grief,are you serious??!! We'd all be holding a vigil until you were found!
The lookbook is stunning! You make skeins of yarn look like house decorations. They really look like they belong there! Maybe I will try this? Having my skeins scattered throughout my house as decorations until I get around to knitting them? :D
even though you've been showing pretty yarn pictures, we all miss you :-). So now that we've all blown our yarn budgets, you need to get some rest and then come back and play with us! We miss you!
Wow! I'm speechless! That is absolutely gorgeous! Job well done!
amazing and beautiful! I want them all!!!
seriously, took my breath away.......especially Kate and Jack - beautiful work!!
Gorgeous colours, gorgeous picture!
Oh, gorgeous yarn!
Oh, I'm sure you must know that we would miss you terribly! Beautiful work as always! I want one of each :)
I wonder do I have enough rooms or rooms with closets to make each one look like a colorway? Those photos are fantastic. Can I hire you to decorate? Beautiful Spring colorways!
Yes, we'd miss you.
They are all beautiful! You have such a gift with colors. I'm especially fond of Cian, Cameron and Clare...I seem to have a "C" thing going, don't I? LOL
And of course we'd miss you, silly! :)
Completely gorgeous. The colors, the photography, it is all stunning. And makes me want to forget paying my bills next month and blow all my money on yarn!
I am new here I have to admit, but I can say that not only would we miss you, we would track you down and then handcuff you in your studio and make you work more.... but we would be nice about it. I do hope you feel better.
Your yarns are gorgeous, right now they are sitting next my computer so that I can pet them whenever I want until they become socks.
Thank you!!!!!!
Awe-inspiring. The photographs could be sold on your website for the knitters to hang in their homes, and also to go with the projects when given to the person. Lovely!
You shouldn't tempt me like this! I am trying not to buy yarn but you are not making it easy with all your pretty pics.
Congratulations on a breathtaking accomplishment. The yarn colors are unique and truly gorgeous. You have presented them all in a professional and well developed "book". Yay! for the Yarnista! happy spring!
Wow...the Lookbook is fantabulous!!!!
With each color I can visualize an article of clothing I would want to knit. It's cruel to have so many choices when I have to be realistic.
We would send out search parties immediately!
BTW, I think you should make a TIG calendar. Those yarns and photos are amazing. I'm going to freeze my credit card in some ice now. ;)
How can you go missing when we are stalking you?!? ;)
Your lookbook is incredible - but the perfect way to present such amazing yarn!
I agree with Ingrid and Tasha - we would love pictures, since I'm sure none of us can really purchase all the yarn we would like to.... You have such a gift, such creativity. Looking forward to knitting with some of these lovelies! (Or even just squishing and petting them!*g*)
Simply Stunning!
That experience was divine!
I'm with Wendy, "Kate" and "Jack" are my new loves.
Of course I'd miss you. I've cyberknown a little while now and cyberyarn people are always missed. :-)) Hope you are feeling okay.
If I could choose from any of those great yarns from the spring lookbook it would be Madigan (hard decision). I would make a neck wrap because it looks like it would feel so soft against the skin. And the color combination was very appealing to me.