TIME’S UP! Biggest yarn giveaway… ever!

Time is up! We'll be liveblogging the winners today (Wednesday) around 12:00 noon EST.
Have you seen our Spring Lookbook yet? (Even if you do nothing but flip through and think, "Cool," that will make me happy.)
We are giving away every skein of yarn pictured in the Spring Lookbook. Every single skein. All twenty of them.
This one:

And this one:

And this one:

And all seventeen more. We're not giving away the other stuff in the pictures, just the yarn.
There is no catch. You don't have to buy anything, you don't even have to pay for shipping. All you have to do is enter.
Contest rules: One entry per person. Our blog logs IP addresses, so we can check. Please enter only one time. You cannot be an employee of Three Irish Girls or be related to an employee of Three Irish Girls. (Got that, honey?) Your entry must be received by 4:30 am Eastern time on Wednesday, March 25th. Entries sent after that time will not be included in the contest.
Here's how it works: Reply to this post, answering the question below. You must actually reply to this post, do not email in your answer. (Click on the Read User's Comments link, and scroll down. It will take you to a box where you can reply.) After all the entries have been received, the number of entrants will be divided into 20 groups. One winner will be selected from each of the 20 groups. This is to improve your chances of winning. For example, if there are 100 responses, I will divide everyone into 20 groups. Each group will have five people.
Are you with me? 100 divided by 20= 5. I will then choose one winner from each of the 20 groups. In the scenario I've given, your odds of winning will change from one in 100 to one in five. Or something like that. I'm not a statistician. Just try to trust me, I'm looking out for you here. There will also be one grand prize given away, a winner randomly chosen from among everyone. The grand prize is a $150 gift certificate to be used on anything you like in our store.
Have you seen our Spring Lookbook yet? (Even if you do nothing but flip through and think, "Cool," that will make me happy.)
We are giving away every skein of yarn pictured in the Spring Lookbook. Every single skein. All twenty of them.
This one:

And this one:

And this one:

And all seventeen more. We're not giving away the other stuff in the pictures, just the yarn.
There is no catch. You don't have to buy anything, you don't even have to pay for shipping. All you have to do is enter.
Contest rules: One entry per person. Our blog logs IP addresses, so we can check. Please enter only one time. You cannot be an employee of Three Irish Girls or be related to an employee of Three Irish Girls. (Got that, honey?) Your entry must be received by 4:30 am Eastern time on Wednesday, March 25th. Entries sent after that time will not be included in the contest.
Here's how it works: Reply to this post, answering the question below. You must actually reply to this post, do not email in your answer. (Click on the Read User's Comments link, and scroll down. It will take you to a box where you can reply.) After all the entries have been received, the number of entrants will be divided into 20 groups. One winner will be selected from each of the 20 groups. This is to improve your chances of winning. For example, if there are 100 responses, I will divide everyone into 20 groups. Each group will have five people.
Are you with me? 100 divided by 20= 5. I will then choose one winner from each of the 20 groups. In the scenario I've given, your odds of winning will change from one in 100 to one in five. Or something like that. I'm not a statistician. Just try to trust me, I'm looking out for you here. There will also be one grand prize given away, a winner randomly chosen from among everyone. The grand prize is a $150 gift certificate to be used on anything you like in our store.
Reader Comments (1779)
My favorite, absolute favorite, is Maeve, and I would make a delicious sweater. Or maybe a hat/scarf/mitten set. Or maybe some socks. Or maybe a shawl. Really, I'd make anything with it!
I have four colorways that absolutely must come to my home on yarn. Four. And I know exactly what I'll make with them:
Devin - a February Lady Sweater for my mother
Erin - socks for myself AND my mother
Maeve - a beautiful lacey scarf
Jack - more socks, for sure.
(and Ian and Grady want to be painted onto some superwash merino roving and spun into 3ply sock yarns)
Oooo - Sharon, so hard to choose! I would choose Jack. Since I have never knit anything for myself, lol, I would carve out time to knit myself a skimpy little spring/summer top with it, because it just looks like the perfect colors for the beach with a pair of cut off jean shorts.
Gorgeous yarn.. such fantastic colors. :P
Love it all.
Delicious - so hard to choose but Erin, for a beautiful lacy shawl. so so pretty.
Oh, Sharon, what an impossible question. If I had to pick just one, today I would pick Maura. I would knit a giant shawl that I could wrap around myself, almost like a sleeping bag, (or maybe I would knit a sleeping bag) so that I could be surrounded by that wonderfull comforting colour. I would share it with my friends when they need a giant hug.
Or, I would chose Jack for socks. Or Erin for socks. Or... every single one of them for socks.
And in a perfect knitting world, the giant sleeping bag shawl would be knit in less than a week.
oh, Kieran! Kieran wants to be a bright and happy sweater, with a matching lace shawl, socks & half-finger gloves...
Kate- socks for me
But I also really want Devin, Jack and Grady. And Maura.
Maeve me too. Crums that's three of us so far. I'd love to have enough yardage in Maeve to weave a beautiful large blanket.
All of them are gorgeous, but I would love to have a pair of socks knitted from Jack.
It's tough choosing, but I think I like Niall or Claire best.
I love them all! That's why it would be fabulous to win them all! If I had to choose just one I would choose Devin in the Elenya Alpaca base and knit a cozy gorgeous Diamonds and Pearls Shawl. It would be perect for this time of year when it's still chilly but my thoughts have turned to spring!
MAEVE! Oh my goodness, Maeve would come home with me. Enough of her to make a simple raglan sweater with a v-neck and a kangaroo pocket in the front. I have a sweatshirt like that and I wear it pretty much every single day, November through March, and many other days in between. I'm sure my friends and family are close to staging a wardrobe intervention. But if I knit myself a Maeve sweater, then I could alternate. Wait...who am I kidding? I'd just wear Maeve every day and leave the sweatshirt in my closet. But that's improvement, right?
I love Madigan, and I would make a beautiful warm cardigan that wraps like a shawl in the front!
Thank you for posting on Ravelry about this!
I've always loved blue, purple, and green together, and I love colors that are bright and sassy. Connor, with it's combination of lime, sky, and lilac, really appeals to me.
If I had enough of it in a fingering or laceweight, I've love to knit a freeform shawl, so the colors can ripple and swirl over the surface.
Though your blues are lovely, I have been drawn to browns & reds & corals lately, so I am choosing Kate as my favorite. I think it would make a great cowl!
Kieran- because it is bright and friery and fabulous!
Socks and dare I say- for me...
Good luck to everyone:)
I'm going to say Jack, because it's so fresh and unique.
I would make a hip and unconventional baby garment with it!
I am in love with Grady. It needs to be a thick squooshy cowl and superclose to my face at all times!
wow, lol I want them all. My favorites are Kieron, Jack & Maura. If I could only have 1 I guess I would pick Kieron, all that fiirey energy.
Grady needs to come to my house.
It would be well loved and made into an awesome scarf!
I'd choose lovely Maeve, because the combination of lilac and chocolate brown are so unusual and appealing. I'd make a light cardigan, perfect for not-really-spring not-really-winter weather.
Jack would become a warm scarf! I love the colors!
Okay.. my favorite color is Jack and I would make it a gift to one of my knitting WAHM sisters because I do not knit. :)
Love the Maura... I can see it as a beautiful shawl........