Who is this man, and why is he wearing a toupee on his face?
Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 7:53PM
His name is Charles Dickerman. This picture was taken in the late 19th century. He was probably wearing a wool suit. He was definitely growing something on his face.
I would like to take a moment to thank Charles Dickerman, wealthy businessman, entrepreneur, and (obvious) wool wearer. Thank you, Charles E. Dickerman, for building this building in 1901:
Thank you, Charles E. Dickerman, for building this building that in 1901 served as a women's millinery shop, a furrier, a clothing store, and on the second floor, a dance hall.
Thank you.
Thank you for building the future home of Three Irish Girls.
How do you think Charles Dickerman would feel about his building being used for ballet?
And now, for yarn?
When Charles Dickerman built this building, he intended for there to be three retail stores on the main level and a larger dance and meeting space on the second floor. Over the course of more than 100 years, you can imagine that the building saw some challenges. At least seven fires occurred here. I'm going to do my best to make sure there aren't eight. Disrepair. But the bones were good, and no amount of new construction can create a history like this one. I love knowing that I'll be working where women used to make and sell fancy hats.
The building was purchased and fixed up several years ago, and three loft-style condos replaced the dance hall.
We're moving at the beginning of March to our brand new, bigger, more awesome, absolutely fantastic home. (Yes, that's only a couple of weeks away!) We're packing everything we own, bidding our windowless but colorful studio in the suburbs of Washington, DC adieu, and moving across the country to Duluth, Minnesota.
Our new studio has twice the space of our current studio. And it has windows, which is an unimaginable luxury to the likes of us. We'll be occupying two of these spaces on the main level, the space in the middle and the space on the left.
The space in the middle and the space on the left will give us more then 3,000 square feet of dyeing, drying, and storage space -- space that is sorely needed. It will also give us the ability to work better, smarter, and faster, as we're able to set up the most efficient work area possible.
Having lived with the limitations of my current setup for more than two years, I have often dreamed of what I would do if I ever had the opportunity to build a dream studio. And you're looking at it, kid: Yarnista's dream studio.
We've taken these two spaces and made them adjoining on the inside with a French door. It's already happened. It happened while I was here in DC answering your emails and dyeing your yarn and shipping your packages. It's like magic.
Moving home to Minnesota means that I can be close to my mama and daddy and sisters and nieces and nephew. Moving home to Minnesota means that my kids can play with cousins and spend the night at Grandma's and go sledding anytime they want, practically all year long.
The plumbers are more than 80% done with the work on the new studio. They've installed the water lines for the sinks and the washing machines. They've put in the mother of all hot water heaters. The electrician is putting in lots of ambient lighting, and is installing modern pendant lighting for the color mixing and dyeing stations. The painters are painting, the carpenters are carpenting, and I'm marveling.
Years ago, in this very city, a twelve year old girl tried to knit a blue cotton dishcloth. And now she's coming home to nest here:
I can't even believe it. Over the next few days, I'll give you some studio updates, including the colors I picked out for the walls while on my secret mission.
I feel so grateful that my years of early mornings, late nights, sore backs, burned arms, and delighted eyes have created something to be proud of. Thank you for coming along on this journey with us.
Things are going to get even better from here.
-- Yarnista
Reader Comments (58)
Maybe this new space will have room for a really big 3IG get-together when the snow melts, if the snow melts?!?
Only one word: WOW!
Congrats!! Now I am very sorry I didn't sign up to take your class this weekend. I guess the opportunity won't arise in the future (at least not in the Balto. Washington area) like I thought. GOOD LUCK! Going home is always so nice!
Congratulations all around. It was such a brave step to retire from teach and now the big move. Best wishes on your move and starting the creative life you deserve. (Fulltime artist and studio windows).
Congrats, Sharon! I wish you all the best along with every one else. It will be nice to be able to see the natural light while you work.
I am very happy for you and very sad that you won't be "local" anymore. But I still get to have your yarns with me, so that should hold me enough until I can figure out a way to bring you East again:)
Congratulations!!!!!! That is amazing news!
Sharon, congrats. This is SO exciting. I am a huge fan of Duluth, originally from WI, and have 2 degrees from the one and only "U". I hope you'll have room for customers and fans, because I will DEFINITELY come to visit. And I too dream of relocating back to MN. Maybe someday! (Need any employees?)
Happy for you!
Best of luck with everything! Sounds like a wonderful plan.
Great news -- we Yarnery folk will have to plan a field trip.
I am so excited for you; what a wonderful building. I am only sorry that I was unable to meet you while your were living here on the east coast.
But this will be a reason to visit the great state of MN. You realize that while you are looking out of the windows there will be lots of folks looking in and admiring your art. You may have to lock the door to keep us all out!
Wishing you and your family the very best!!!
Ahh...rejoining family and continuing a wonderful creative pursuit where it all began. What a great full-circle story! I've so enjoyed finding and following your blog, not to mention being able to watch your amazing creativity continue to unfold. Your hand-dyed yarns are absolutely beautiful!
Continued success to you in your new (old) location, Sharon! What a treat for ALL of your family. Cherish every day.
Congratulations Sharon! Will there be "visiting" hours? I'm only 2 hours away and always up for a day trip! I can only imagine how excited and overwhelmed you are right now!
Good Luck and God Bless!
I'm sad that Maryland is losing you, but wow! Congratulations and all the best!
Holy crap! This is BIG NEWS!
Wishing you and yours the best of luck in the new spot. I've made big moves several times and know that it is stressful. Hang in there and take good care of each other during this.
Lovin' the new digs! Congratulations!
Not many of us get to live our dreams as you are doing!! All the very best for an event free move--it couldn't happen to a nicer dyer!
I'm amazed. And soooo happy for you! Congratulations on your dreams being realized! Much love to you and can't wait for more pics!
Congratulations on making your dreams come true! And thank you for inspiring me with your colorful life, wonderful humor and poignant story. This one's a keeper. As are you, Yarnista!
I KNEW it! Congrats, Sharon what a wonderful change for you. And Yarnista's Mama is probably ecstatic. This is wonderful for your family. Good luck with the move!
Congrats! As others have said, there is nothing like going home. I can't imagine living upstairs of 3IG. I would be buried in yarn! Good luck with the move!
Hey, welcome home to the loving arms of Minnesota, ya know?! I'm in St. Paul and every August take a trip to Duluth. Will there be a retail area of your studio for those who want to come and shop?
A former millenery shop! Wowza, I would be singing the soundtrack to Hello, Dolly alllllllll day long. (But I'm lame like that).
Great news, I moved my family back to my original home city about 7 years ago - and I have never regretted it. My kids are so close with my parents and their cousins.
Good for you!
What wonderful news! I'm so happy for you - your success is well-earned, and being near family is so important. I love the building, love the history, love that you are able to follow your dream.
Best wishes as you make this move!
I knew it! I knew it! A big congratulations from me Sharon!!! The building looks AWESOME! I'm excited for you!! I bet your Mom is sooo excited!
I am soooo happy for you!!! I only hope that some day I can come for a visit and see this wonderful place for myself.