Yarn ninjas.

I was outside minding my own business.
As usual. Isn't that what everyone does when they're outside?
Admiring my Fairy Tale Oaks, which look like human capillaries this time of year.

Admiring the icicles that are forming like stalactites from my eaves, even though I knock them down every day.

Tootling about (I do love my tootling!), watching for a break in the clouds, looking at the interesting coloring on the leaves of my holly tree:

And discovering this puffy robin bird taking cover in the brush:

All perfectly pleasant. A delightful morning here in creation.
And then I saw something out of the corner of my eye, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.
Is that...?

Could it be...?

Are those YARN NINJAS?

Did you send yarn ninjas disguised as furry woodland creatures to steal my yarn?
Two of them?
Did you tell them they could sleep in my yard?

Did you instruct them to watch for me to leave and then surreptitiously break in and take all the yarn for you?
Is that what you've done? Is that what you've stooped to?

Your mother would be so ashamed. My mother is ashamed of you too.
Shame on you. Shame shame shame.

Sending a furry woodland creature to do your dirty work. How unoriginal.
As usual. Isn't that what everyone does when they're outside?
Admiring my Fairy Tale Oaks, which look like human capillaries this time of year.

Admiring the icicles that are forming like stalactites from my eaves, even though I knock them down every day.

Tootling about (I do love my tootling!), watching for a break in the clouds, looking at the interesting coloring on the leaves of my holly tree:

And discovering this puffy robin bird taking cover in the brush:

All perfectly pleasant. A delightful morning here in creation.
And then I saw something out of the corner of my eye, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.
Is that...?

Could it be...?

Are those YARN NINJAS?

Did you send yarn ninjas disguised as furry woodland creatures to steal my yarn?
Two of them?
Did you tell them they could sleep in my yard?

Did you instruct them to watch for me to leave and then surreptitiously break in and take all the yarn for you?
Is that what you've done? Is that what you've stooped to?

Your mother would be so ashamed. My mother is ashamed of you too.
Shame on you. Shame shame shame.

Sending a furry woodland creature to do your dirty work. How unoriginal.

Chit Chat

Reader Comments (14)
those are some darn cute woodland critters!
My mother has other names for your Yarn Ninjas. She calls them other names I can't type so you wont read them. They come into her yard and eat her flowers and vegetables. She is not a fan of the yarn ninja.
I know my mother would agree with Maria's. I on the other hand like to imagive pretty little fawns prancing through the studio late at night :P
It seemed like a good plan, but the lack of opposable thumbs made them a poor choice for yarn ninjas. Back to the drawing board...
What a gift to look out in your yard and see those lovely animals there. What a peaceful scene.
I think the yarn ninja's are adorable.....of course, that's not quite the wording I use when they visit my yard and eat the buds off all my daffodils..... :-)
Awww! How pretty :) Love love love :)
They are just peeking at the new colorways. Sheesh. Some people are soooo suspicious. ;)
Buahahaha! Darnit, I thought we had you fooled ;)
Nope, they have nothing to do with Yarn Ninjas. They are rodents on stilts. I am intimately familiar with them, though they usually don't visit me until after my vegetable garden is planted. And they visit regularly. No fence is high enough to keep them out. No dog is scary enough to frighten them away. But they do not want me to catch them. No they don't.
Those are some cute yarn ninjas. I'd love to make their aquaintance. I have lovely tender leaf and I-fogot-and-left-the-trash-out-overnight ninjas. Some people call them rabbits... and raccoons... and opposums... and armadillos. Oh, the armadillos eat bugs so not them.
Those eyes always get me.
Not sure if my last comment went through?
There is obviously alot more to look up about this. I think you made some decisive points in Features also. Keep working, fantasitc job!
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