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Something amazing has happened.

In case you're wondering if this post will eventually devolve into levity and goofiness, the answer is yes. But before we reach that point, permit me a departure into something that happened to me yesterday that brought tears to my eyes. (The Yarnista regularly alternates between laughing and crying, it's a character flaw.)

A box arrived.

This is not in and of itself remarkable -- boxes arrive at the studio almost daily.  This box, though, was small, rectangular, and thin -- the type you might ship a hardcover bestseller in, not yarn or dyes or the myriad other items that we have delivered. Noteworthy, too, was the return address. A local friend and customer, she was usually on the receiving end of yarny packages from me, not I from her.

I tore open the box, doing the mental calculus about what could be contained inside. "I suppose she could fit some yarn in here if she really squished," I thought, "But why would she be sending me yarn?"

Inside the box were several small packages, all neatly wrapped with ribbons, and a card addressed to me.  My mind was aflurry -- the package did arrive right before my birthday. "Chocolate, I bet it's chocolate!" I thought.

And I was right.


Next came my second great love: a sweet little card:


Containing the key to obtaining the nectar of the gods:


Someday my obituary will describe my death by chocolate and coffee. I hope.

And in an homage to these loves, an adorable set of sticky notes. I use sticky notes as prolifically as I consume chocolate -- how did she know this?


I will remember where these came from each time I reach for one.


I could've gone to bed a happy woman. My fundamental needs had all been met -- food, drink, something beautiful, and a friend who cared.

But there was more.

A small booklet and an envelope sealed with a dot.


Inside, an incredible gift, not only because of the care and thought that so obviously went in to picking it out (favorites were even highlighted), but because the gift requires me to do what I often forget to do, the thing I need the most: take some time to breathe, to relax, to refrain from checking my emails,  to let someone else cook dinner and wipe the counters, to know that the packages, the yarn, the customers, the friends will still be there in a few hours time, and that I will be a better person for having done something for myself.


This ticket to paradise (and that's what it sounds like to me) was sent by an incredible group of customers. The last thing I opened was the card, and within three seconds I was tearing up and calling my husband at his work to tell him about this amazing thing that had happened to me.

It wasn't just the gift. For the gift, I am profoundly grateful. But it was also for the kindness and loyalty and good humor that accompanied the gift. Those are things I value so highly.

The card looked like this:


Inside, was a list of people near and dear to my heart. Also inside was a message that I intend to keep forever. (I have distorted the list of names on the left to protect my friends' privacy.)


The card -- and here is where this post begins to devolve -- was signed "Sheepnuts."  Now, the Yarnista was no longer alternating between laughing and crying, she was doing them both simultaneously. My trusty assistant Michelle tentatively asked if everything was OK. She didn't sound like she believed me when I answered, "Yes, everything is great. Something amazing just happened."


Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Both the incredible gift -- and your friendship -- means so much to me.


-- Yarnista

Sheeps and wolves.

That's what my son thought I said when I told him I was headed to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival.

"Won't the wolves eat the sheep?" he asked, incredulously.

Poor thing. WOOL, darling, WOOL.  WOOL as in yarny goodness. WOOL as in nectar of the gods.

Here's me, setting out on a gray Saturday morning for the bestest festival ever in the invention of humanity.


Notice the orb. It follows me. It is the orb of wooly delight. Does one follow you, too?

As I traversed the beautiful Maryland countryside, something began to pelt the windshield. Something oddly wet. Please note that I did not take these pictures while operating a motor vehicle. I would never endanger myself in that way. I barely walk, for goodness sake. I don't want something out-of-doors, like a bird, to crash into me.


Just to prove that the Maryland countryside is indeed beautiful, I present to you:




Those are cows. Or horses. Definitely a farm animal of some kind. Maryland has them.

Oh, oh... wait! Is this the hill approaching the Howard County Fairgrounds in West Friendship, Maryland? Is it? IS IT?


I think... WAIT...


It is! IT IS!

Cars. Maryland has them.


True story. I walked next to the delightful man and woman on the farthest left in this picture. She said to him, "How are those socks?" He replied, "They feel pretty good, I think. Cushiony." She said, "Do they feel plasticky? If they do, all I have to do is get some sock yarn that's 100% wool. I can do that, if the nylon content in that yarn bothers you." He said, "I'll give that some thought. That might be OK."

Sock knitters take note: all you have to do to get your husband to sign off on the purchase of more sock yarn is make it sound like you're fixing a problem he has.


One of the things that I love about the festival is that it's free. Free to get in, free to park.

It is crowded once you're inside, though.


I made a beeline for my babies at Cloverhill Yarn. Cloverhill had a great location just inside the main entrance of a covered barn. So the rain didn't bother them any. And it didn't bother my babies.

Hello, honies.


I'm sorry mama can't take a clear picture of you to save her life. I love you anyway.


Be good at your new house. Mama will miss you.

It was a wee bit crowded in the main barn.


I decided to say hello to my friends the sheeps. Or the sheepinses, depending on what kind of mood I'm in.


Hello, beautiful Blue Faced Leicester sheeps! (It's said Blue Faced Lester, for those of you non-sheep, non-Anglophiles.)


Thank you for your lustrous longwool!


I see your searching, soulful eyes.


These are the finalists in tonight's evening gown competition.


This sheep is really a 65 year old man. With a remote.


These sheep have been freshly clipped. Except for one small (or large) problem.



NO I DIDN'T! NO I DID NOT PUT THAT PICTURE ON MY BLOG. No Jose, as my daughter would say. You would never catch me doing something like that.

I have pics of my haul, but we'll save that for another post.

I do love sheep. Just so you know. In case you were wondering.


Festival! Festival!

I'm trying to talk everyone I know into coming to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival this weekend. Even if you live in Australia, you should buy yourself a plane ticket and get here. Hurry up. Don't wait. You have about two more minutes.

I will be delivering my yarn to the Cloverhill Yarn Shop this afternoon, and they will have some skeins for sale.  Here are the colorways I'm delivering:

-- Maura

-- Kate

-- Ian

-- Clare

-- Cian

-- Erin

-- Grady

-- Jack

-- Nora

-- Irish Sea

-- Maureen

-- Aiden

-- Madigan

-- Maeve

-- Donegan

-- Florry

-- Skye

However, there are only a few skeins of each colorway, so if any of these interest you, I would check out their booth early.  They are in the main barn, booths D2 and D3.

I will be at the festival on Saturday, I'm very excited! Have I mentioned that?! I'm excited?! Sometimes it's nice to be able to go to these things and not have to work a booth. You get to see all the other yummy stuff.

I am easy to spot. Here's a post with my picture. I am also six feet tall. My husband is 6'5", and we never lose each other in a crowd.

Who else is going? Australians, are you in yet?

The Yarnista Answers Your Questions!

I get many emails every day, and I work hard to get them all answered in a timely fashion. It's important to me that my customers feel like their email matters.

Sometimes I get questions that are really better answered in a public venue like this one, since I'm sure the rest of you could benefit from the answers. 

Here are just a few questions I've received recently.

Hello, please, help. How many shots of vodka are in a fifth of vodka?


Hello Person Who Didn't Sign Their Name,

I don't know. Perhaps Google could be of assistance.  This is a yarn shop.


The Yarnista



I am DYING to know how you dye yarn. Specifically, I want to know how to make some of the Fiona colorway for myself. Could you walk me through it? I really need help mixing the colors, too -- could you give me the recipe?

Thanks so much!



Dear Kxxxxxxxx,

Thanks for your email.  All of our colorways are completely original, and we've worked hard to develop formulas and techniques that help us create unique and beautiful products. We can help you with some more general dyeing advice in our tutorial (insert blah blah blah here)... but we're unable to give out specific recipes at this time.

Let me know if you have any further questions.


The Yarnista


Dear Yarnista,

One of my friends told me you were nice, but I guess she was wrong. What a beeyotch. I'm adding you to my spam list -- never contact me again.

Thanks for nothing.



Dear Kxxxxxxxxx,





My name is Fxxxxxxxx, and I am wondering if you can tell me how to reach XYZ yarn company. I've emailed, and they won't reply.




Dear Fxxxxxxxxxx,

I just peeked at XYZ yarn company's website for you, and saw listed as a contact address -- is that what you have as well? Just to clarify, you're trying to reach XYZ, and not Three Irish Girls, is that right?




Yes, I want to reach XYZ. I contacted you because I thought all yarnistas were friends and thought you would know how to reach them. XYZ won't get back to me.




I'm sorry XYZ won't get back to you, that sounds frustrating. Is there anything else I can do to help you?




Yes, you could get in touch with XYZ for me and tell them I'm trying to reach them. 



Hello Three Irish Girls!

I just wanted to say that I love your colorways! You make me want to knit! I'm just writing to ask, why are your colorways so great?!?! Why do you taunt me so?!?!? Why do you make me feel like I must sign over my paycheck to you?!?!? HELP?!?!?



P.S. I am a boy (!). I assume you are a girl, given your business name, but I just wanted to confirm that there are actual boys who visit your site!


Hi Mxxx,

Thanks for your email -- I'm glad you're enjoying the colorways! If there are any questions I can answer for you, please feel free to let me know. In the meantime, happy knitting!




I have a question! Are you a girl? I want to meet a nice Irish Girl! I am a nice boy.




Dear Mxxx,

Good luck with that.



I hope these vitally important answers to life's most pressing questions have improved your existence.  Please leave chocolate and turn off the light on your way out.


Ten things.

I have composed a list of ten things. Because I want to.

1. I just received the loveliest care package ever from fey. She thoughtfully sent me some local candies, a pound of to die for organic coffee, some beautiful stitch markers, and the perfect little ceramic bowl to keep them in.  I thought I had dyed died and gone to heaven. The Yarnista thanks her with all her little heart.

2. I am drinking the coffee that fey sent me right now. It is, after all, 5:01 am, and I have already been up for an hour. I find the coffee very amusing and delicious. Their tagline is: Served in Bed, Raises the Dead. And they have a little ditty on the back of the package:

Jump-starting Your Mornings,
Long-haul Trucking,
Cramming For Exams,
Winning Races,
Inspiring Great Ideas and Noble Emotions,
Graveyard Shifts,
States of Pure Bliss,
and Intense Coffee Pleasure.

I am particularly drawn to the Great Ideas and Noble Emotions part.

3. I am full of ideas. Most of them are not great. I certainly don't attribute this to the coffee, the coffee only inspires great ideas. I have always been someone with more ideas than I have time for. I need a person who will just implement all my ideas exactly as I see them in my head. For free. Without ceasing.


4. I cannot make everyone happy and I need to do deep breathing excercises. No matter how hard I work (and the Yarnista is a very hard worker, you've got to give her props for that), there will always be someone who doesn't like something I do.  And that's OK. Deep breathing. I cannot be all things to all people.  Breathe in for a count of four... I cannot make all the yarn in the world, and I cannot make things that will suit all people's tastes.  This is OK. And it is OK for me to be exactly who I am. Breathe out for seven... Perhaps you should do the deep breathing with me, you look like you need it. It helps.

5. Is it bad that I immediately ground some of the coffee that fey sent me, even though it was 5:30 pm last night and I had no business making coffee at that time of evening? Is it bad that I drank the coffee and ate a tiny portion most of the candy she sent me? Is it bad that I spoiled my dinner and didn't care? Get back to me.

6. I want to learn to sew more proficiently. As if I need another craft to do. Other crafts I want to take up: Glassblowing. Tatting. Spinning. Weaving. Pottery. Ikebana. Decoupage. Rug Hooking. Blacksmithing. Velvet painting.

7.  The Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival is coming up. I look forward to it every year and can't wait for the first weekend in May.  This year I am going to try and get myself crowned Lamb and Wool Queen. I can pass for 17, don't you think? These girls are awfully cute, but their time in the sun is done!

My yarn is going to be at the Festival for the first time. (The Cloverhill Yarn Shop will be carrying it -- they're in the main barn.) I think I shall ever-so-casually-and-jauntily saunter by the booth and speak words of encouragement to my lovely skeins. They're going to be away from mama for the first time.

8. I wish I had a personal chef. Not because I want to be all fancy and schmancy, but because it would make a difference in my life. That would be an hour I didn't have to spend cooking dinner and could play with my kids. And an hour I don't have to spend cleaning up and could spend knitting. *Poof* two hours back in my day.

9. My husband doesn't like peanut butter, coffee, or chocolate, so I have to consume enough for both of us.

10. One of my students told me yesterday, "You look nice today. That is a very Michelle Obama-looking ensemble." Apparently, she really IS the new Jackie Kennedy.  Get ready. Thirty years from now, the fashion magazines won't be talking about Jackie-O sunglasses and sheath dresses, they'll be talking about Michelle-O fashion.  What do you think she'll be known for?

There you are, my dear. Ten things.
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