Ten things.

I have composed a list of ten things. Because I want to.
1. I just received the loveliest care package ever from fey. She thoughtfully sent me some local candies, a pound of to die for organic coffee, some beautiful stitch markers, and the perfect little ceramic bowl to keep them in. I thought I haddyed died and gone to heaven. The Yarnista thanks her with all her little heart.
2. I am drinking the coffee that fey sent me right now. It is, after all, 5:01 am, and I have already been up for an hour. I find the coffee very amusing and delicious. Their tagline is: Served in Bed, Raises the Dead. And they have a little ditty on the back of the package:
Jump-starting Your Mornings,
Long-haul Trucking,
Cramming For Exams,
Winning Races,
Inspiring Great Ideas and Noble Emotions,
Graveyard Shifts,
States of Pure Bliss,
and Intense Coffee Pleasure.
I am particularly drawn to the Great Ideas and Noble Emotions part.
3. I am full of ideas. Most of them are not great. I certainly don't attribute this to the coffee, the coffee only inspires great ideas. I have always been someone with more ideas than I have time for. I need a person who will just implement all my ideas exactly as I see them in my head. For free. Without ceasing.
4. I cannot make everyone happy and I need to do deep breathing excercises. No matter how hard I work (and the Yarnista is a very hard worker, you've got to give her props for that), there will always be someone who doesn't like something I do. And that's OK. Deep breathing. I cannot be all things to all people. Breathe in for a count of four... I cannot make all the yarn in the world, and I cannot make things that will suit all people's tastes. This is OK. And it is OK for me to be exactly who I am. Breathe out for seven... Perhaps you should do the deep breathing with me, you look like you need it. It helps.
5. Is it bad that I immediately ground some of the coffee that fey sent me, even though it was 5:30 pm last night and I had no business making coffee at that time of evening? Is it bad that I drank the coffee and atea tiny portion most of the candy she sent me? Is it bad that I spoiled my dinner and didn't care? Get back to me.
6. I want to learn to sew more proficiently. As if I need another craft to do. Other crafts I want to take up: Glassblowing. Tatting. Spinning. Weaving. Pottery. Ikebana. Decoupage. Rug Hooking. Blacksmithing. Velvet painting.
7. The Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival is coming up. I look forward to it every year and can't wait for the first weekend in May. This year I am going to try and get myself crowned Lamb and Wool Queen. I can pass for 17, don't you think? These girls are awfully cute, but their time in the sun is done!

My yarn is going to be at the Festival for the first time. (The Cloverhill Yarn Shop will be carrying it -- they're in the main barn.) I think I shall ever-so-casually-and-jauntily saunter by the booth and speak words of encouragement to my lovely skeins. They're going to be away from mama for the first time.
8. I wish I had a personal chef. Not because I want to be all fancy and schmancy, but because it would make a difference in my life. That would be an hour I didn't have to spend cooking dinner and could play with my kids. And an hour I don't have to spend cleaning up and could spend knitting. *Poof* two hours back in my day.
9. My husband doesn't like peanut butter, coffee, or chocolate, so I have to consume enough for both of us.
10. One of my students told me yesterday, "You look nice today. That is a very Michelle Obama-looking ensemble." Apparently, she really IS the new Jackie Kennedy. Get ready. Thirty years from now, the fashion magazines won't be talking about Jackie-O sunglasses and sheath dresses, they'll be talking about Michelle-O fashion. What do you think she'll be known for?
There you are, my dear. Ten things.
1. I just received the loveliest care package ever from fey. She thoughtfully sent me some local candies, a pound of to die for organic coffee, some beautiful stitch markers, and the perfect little ceramic bowl to keep them in. I thought I had
2. I am drinking the coffee that fey sent me right now. It is, after all, 5:01 am, and I have already been up for an hour. I find the coffee very amusing and delicious. Their tagline is: Served in Bed, Raises the Dead. And they have a little ditty on the back of the package:
Jump-starting Your Mornings,
Long-haul Trucking,
Cramming For Exams,
Winning Races,
Inspiring Great Ideas and Noble Emotions,
Graveyard Shifts,
States of Pure Bliss,
and Intense Coffee Pleasure.
I am particularly drawn to the Great Ideas and Noble Emotions part.
3. I am full of ideas. Most of them are not great. I certainly don't attribute this to the coffee, the coffee only inspires great ideas. I have always been someone with more ideas than I have time for. I need a person who will just implement all my ideas exactly as I see them in my head. For free. Without ceasing.
4. I cannot make everyone happy and I need to do deep breathing excercises. No matter how hard I work (and the Yarnista is a very hard worker, you've got to give her props for that), there will always be someone who doesn't like something I do. And that's OK. Deep breathing. I cannot be all things to all people. Breathe in for a count of four... I cannot make all the yarn in the world, and I cannot make things that will suit all people's tastes. This is OK. And it is OK for me to be exactly who I am. Breathe out for seven... Perhaps you should do the deep breathing with me, you look like you need it. It helps.
5. Is it bad that I immediately ground some of the coffee that fey sent me, even though it was 5:30 pm last night and I had no business making coffee at that time of evening? Is it bad that I drank the coffee and ate
6. I want to learn to sew more proficiently. As if I need another craft to do. Other crafts I want to take up: Glassblowing. Tatting. Spinning. Weaving. Pottery. Ikebana. Decoupage. Rug Hooking. Blacksmithing. Velvet painting.
7. The Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival is coming up. I look forward to it every year and can't wait for the first weekend in May. This year I am going to try and get myself crowned Lamb and Wool Queen. I can pass for 17, don't you think? These girls are awfully cute, but their time in the sun is done!

My yarn is going to be at the Festival for the first time. (The Cloverhill Yarn Shop will be carrying it -- they're in the main barn.) I think I shall ever-so-casually-and-jauntily saunter by the booth and speak words of encouragement to my lovely skeins. They're going to be away from mama for the first time.
8. I wish I had a personal chef. Not because I want to be all fancy and schmancy, but because it would make a difference in my life. That would be an hour I didn't have to spend cooking dinner and could play with my kids. And an hour I don't have to spend cleaning up and could spend knitting. *Poof* two hours back in my day.
9. My husband doesn't like peanut butter, coffee, or chocolate, so I have to consume enough for both of us.
10. One of my students told me yesterday, "You look nice today. That is a very Michelle Obama-looking ensemble." Apparently, she really IS the new Jackie Kennedy. Get ready. Thirty years from now, the fashion magazines won't be talking about Jackie-O sunglasses and sheath dresses, they'll be talking about Michelle-O fashion. What do you think she'll be known for?
There you are, my dear. Ten things.

Chit Chat

Reader Comments (9)
One of the very vile gossip bloggers that I definitely don't read refers to Michelle as "Shelly O." I kind of like it.
I like care packages. I need to make more friends who are good at care packaging. But then, does that mean I have to return the favor?
I have a personal chef. I married him. It's nice, but he gets ambitious, especially when he watches too much Gordon Ramsay. He also makes a hell of a mess.
Regarding 4), you can also tell anyone who criticises you to get a life already.
Regarding 10), oh, my! What a compliment. Inquiring minds would like to know what you were wearing. They're also really curious what brand the dress you wore to the White House on Sunday is.
Students? You take students?
as for 5) I say good for you.
There were two mangoes last Christmas I very much regret not eating, because I was so excited to have them at all, I only looked at them. It's complicated.
Anyway, life is short. Sometimes you gotta eat dessert first.
#3 - I feel the same way a lot of times. We all need personal assistants, dontcha think? LOL
#5 - me, the BEST reason for making coffee at 5:30 pm is that I'm assured there will be at least one cup leftover when the kids are finally in bed, and that is when my plain ol' coffee is magically transformed into IRISH coffee, with the help of my friends James(on) and Bailey('s). Awesomeness. :)
I would love a personal chef, esp one that cleans up too. I couild definitely use that extra family and knitting time
"10. One of my students told me yesterday, “You look nice today. That is a very Michelle Obama-looking ensemble.” Apparently, she really IS the new Jackie Kennedy. Get ready. Thirty years from now, the fashion magazines won’t be talking about Jackie-O sunglasses and sheath dresses, they’ll be talking about Michelle-O fashion. What do you think she’ll be known for?"
I told you the DC area had room for more than one fashionable dame!!!
I'm with you on the big ideas and not nearly enough time to actually do it. And to make matters worse, this past weekend I went dress shopping with my brother's fiance to a wretched store, where I immediately decided that it is my duty to open a bridal boutique and have dresses made to order!
The comments are always fun. I love reading them.
Very good blog entry. Gave me a few laughs here and there, thank you very much for that.
I love that Michelle is getting props. She deserves them, and so do you. I am sure even without seeing that you are a very dappy dresser.
Now, dap meant one thing many decades ago and another now, and they really are similar if one thinks about it. Everything old is new again.