Things we like to say around here

You know how when you spend a lot of time around someone, you get to know all of their little idiosyncracies?
Well, when you work in close proximity in a yarn studio with someone for 8 hours a day, you really get to know their idiosyncracies.
I won't name any names, but here are a few things I hear at least 693 times a day:
- "Okely-dokely"
- "10-4, Chief,"
- "That's slicker than snot on a doorknob!"
- "Is it possible for you to not invade my space right now?"
- "Sure thing, little buddy"
- "How old ARE you?"
- "Hasta Lapasta" (instead of hasta luego)
- "Later, gator"
- "This is my side, you stay on your side. My side. Your side. My side. Your side."
- "Will do, fo sho"
- "Is there something wrong with you that you want to tell us about?"
- "I don't know, you better ask Sharon." (This is usually whispered. I have teacher ears, I can hear whispering really well. I just like to pretend I can't hear whispering.)
- "Girls do not like it when..." (Fill in the blank. Girls do not like it when boys never call back. Girls do not like it when boys refuse to bathe. Girls do not like it when movies are full of car chases and bathroom humor. Girls do not like it when the music you're playing sounds like someone screaming into a microphone for six minutes.)
- "Well, boys do not like it when..." (Fill in the blank. Boys do not like it when girls call them and cry and act all clingy after one date. Boys do not like it when movies are all talk and no action. Boys do not like songs called Today Was a Fairy Tale.)
It's a good thing I have NO idiosyncracies. What a relief.
I'm sure everyone who works here goes home and says, "Boy, my boss Sharon, she is just so... NORMAL. She does not have any.idiosyncracies.whatsoever. What a breath of fresh air!"
And that is why this post is not about me, because I am idiosyncracy-free.
I do not do any of the following things:
- Sing along loudly in an operatic falsetto to any and all songs.
- Switch into a myriad of strange accents during the day, including Minnesotan, which is the funniest of all.
- Insist that the yarn be S-twisted and not Z-twisted, and that it be S-twisted to a certain firmness that can only be learned through touch, and that the labels be placed firmly (but not tightly) beginning 2/3 of the way up the front of the skein.
So there. Me = perfectly normal. No quirks. Quirk free. Zero percent quirks.

Reader Comments (10)
It's nice to know that someone other than my Dad say s"Slicker than snot on a doorknob" LOL :D
Thank God!!! I was beginning to worry!!!!!! Does Anyone Say "Give the calf more rope" when you sing? My mother would always say that...
Does anyone ever ask you "who sings that song?" *Insert artist name*, then say, "We should probably let them sing it". That is my favorite! Haven't used that one in a while.....
No, they don't, because singly loudly in a falsetto voice is something I do *not* do. I am 100% quirk free!
When I said "you", I meant the "hypothetical" you. Ummm... since I don't follow Opera at all.... I wouldn't be able to ask the hypothetical you, that question. I thought Opera could have possibly been a genre pick out of many possible musical stylings..... I would never have thought the Yarnista to have anything to do with the examples set forth.... no, no, no, a simple misunderstanding.
Your s-twisted-to-just-the-right-density skeins always make me very happy ;)
I'd love to see a YouTube tutorial showing how exactly you do the S-twist to the perfect tautness. I've tried to do it and have failed every time :P
I, too, am idiosyncratically free. Someone needs to tell my family, though, because they don't agree. I, however, know better. It's fun to have no idiosyncrasies.
Okay, that was soooooo funny. We have similar experiences at my shop between the three of us. Well, I'll speak for the employees. And yes, I have no idiosyncrasies, nor am I necrotic.