scenes from a yarn studio

I love my orchid accent walls.
I love my grassy green dyeing room walls.
And the rugs to wipe our feet on wet days.
And our little handmade yarn magnets.
And the little magnetic signs that show where to put all the dye containers.
But this...
... this makes me a little twitchy.
Boy Aaron tries to save me from myself by preventing me from having to go into the dye mixing room. "Wait, don't go in there!" he'll shout, trying to block the path. "What do you need? I can get it."
And to think I used to do this in my kitchen.

Reader Comments (12)
Ohhh so pretty and wonderful to see all that beautiful yarn hanging there to dry!! :)
Too funny about that last room though - it definitely doesn't 'go' with the rest of the studio. But at least Boy Aaron is nice enough to make it so you do not have to go in there ;) LOL
With the red puddles on the floor I thought I was watching Dexter for a second!!!
So fun to see a little sneak peek into the Yarnista's world :) I especially enjoy the yarn magnets holding up the Kaffe Fassett fabric!
Oh I love the studio! yarn and pretty colors - I want to come spend the day, sitting on that couch! And then walking through all that yarn!
Such a creative space! I imagine you must love to go there each morning....I know I would.
Those colored walls make me so happy! And you probably will think I'm nuts, but I *love* the dye spattered floors. You need to do something funky on the walls (newspaper? Old book pages?) and it'll look like it was there on purpose!
I'm with Roxanne on that one! It's sweet that Boy Aaron tries to protect you (him? hee!) from having to confront that though.
Love the studio pics, those wall colors are SO cheery, and all that yarn hanging around is making me drool on my keyboard again. Now that's a job worth waking up for. You lucky lucky (talented) lucky (hardworking) gal!
Sharon! Thank you for pictures of yarn drying. You have made my day! And since tomorrow is my birthday, I will thank you in advance for the wonderful birthday present :)
That floor could be an art installation! Thanks for the peek at where the magic happens!
I'm trying to identify the colorways hanging in there!
Um ... is that a functional coffee maker in the dyeing room? And are those open coffee filters on the shelf next to jugs of dyeing stuff? I jknow that people are paranoid about the acid dyes and having to wear masks around them. So I'm assuming there is some creative dye process which involves dye, a coffee maker and unbleached coffee filters. Otherwise, I don't want to know about what goes on there. La la la la la la I'm not listening.
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