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TIME’S UP! Let’s draw a winner…

I will instruct my minions to draw a number shortly. Stay tuned.

The number has been selected!

We had thirty-three entrants, and many great questions.

See how I helpfully highlighted how I instructed the random number generator to choose a number between 1 and 33?


And the winner is...



Just in case you were unclear, I drew some colored circles around the number seven to draw your attention to that area.

You know me, ever helpful!

Who does #7 belong to, you wonder?

Still checking...


Meridith! Congratulations!!

You asked many questions, Meri, and I shall endeavor to answer one of them now. The rest will be saved for another time.

You asked, "What is your best response when someone comments on the amount of yarn you have in your home/shop/knitting bag/under your pillow?"

To which I would proffer the following suggestions:

1. "There is no such thing as too much yarn. Only not enough time."

2. Stop letting people look under your pillow. Or in your oven. Sheesh, have some boundaries!

3. "When I calculate the number of hours of enjoyment I get from one skein of yarn (all the time I spend petting, fondling, caressing, and sniffing the yarn PLUS all the time I spend knitting it), and I divide that by how much I paid for it, it's a very inexpensive hobby. It's less expensive than seeing a movie. Less expensive than buying a book. Less expensive than a gym membership, and CERTAINLY less expensive than a new car. By the way, I love that new minivan you have -- have you done the enjoyment factor calculation I just mentioned?"

(Don't get me wrong, these can all be worthwhile pursuits. It's just a little perspective for the non-knitting muggles, as we like to call them.)

3. "At least when I'm done knitting something, I have something cool to show for it. A lovely, handmade, useful, soft, beautiful, lovely, thoughtful, lovely item. Unlike people who smoke weed as a hobby. They have nothing lovely, handmade, useful, soft, beautiful, lovely, thoughtful, or lovely to show for their hobby. So, compared to the hobby weed smoker, the amount of yarn I have is really quite normal."

4. "Oh, THIS? Seriously, this is nothing. My friend Sharon has 1400 square feet of space filled with yarn."

Hope that answers your question, Meri!

Thank you for playing, everyone! Look for the answers to your questions soon, and feel free to write us if you have anything else you are desperate to know.

Reader Comments (4)

>>>> Unlike people who smoke weed as a hobby. They have nothing lovely, handmade, useful, soft, beautiful, lovely, thoughtful, or lovely to show for their hobby. So, compared to the hobby weed smoker, the amount of yarn I have is really quite normal.”

July 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLoraine

Unlike people who smoke weed as a hobby. They have nothing lovely, handmade, useful, soft, beautiful, lovely, thoughtful, or lovely to show for their hobby. So, compared to the hobby weed smoker, the amount of yarn I have is really quite normal.”


Okay, this has to be one of my all time favorite answers. So funny. I guess I know too many people who smoke weed at times. Not me, I'm a straight arrow all the way, never have smoked it actually so I also never inhaled. Well, s a bit of passive smoke but just a few times and not on purpose. Never done any illegal drugs. No need, I have yarn to smell, although I don't smoke that either.

July 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLoraine

Hi I'm trying to setup a feed via rss from your blog to another website. How can we go about this ???

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