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The Yarnista Answers Your Questions, pt 2

For column numero dos, we shall tackle Meghann's weighty question pertaining to my aforementioned birth. I said that my arrival was foretold by a swallow and double rainbows appeared in the sky over the mountaintop where I was born.

Meghann writes, "double rainbows, huh?"

Meghann, thank you for this thought provoking question. Let us explore.

The answer is simply, "Nah, just kidding."

However, there is one person in the world who claims to have their birth foretold both by swallows and rainbows. For real.

His name?

Kim Jong Il.

The dictator of North Korea. (This is one of his official portraits. That tidbit of info? From his official biography. Also, he claims a new star appeared in the heavens. Because he's apparently very special.) Kim Jong Il has spent $20,000,000 importing new Mercedes cars for himself, rounding out the North Korean fleet of luxury cars at an even 7,000. He only travels by armored train, when he travels anywhere at all.

Sorry to disappoint, Meghann, and please let me apologize in advance if I've let any of the rest of you down.

So, what does this have to do with yarn?

Absolutely nothing. Didn't I say this was called The Yarnista Answers Your All Your Questions and Then Some? 

So there.

Reader Comments (5)

not disappointed.....I can't believe you answered it! lol

June 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMeghann

How is it you know so much about Kim Jon Ill and do you think he is crazy because his Mom never knit him a sweater and all he really wanted was a sweater... or like my kids was forced to wear a knitted cap every time he left the hat even if it made him cry?

June 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSinKnitty

you are too fun, Sharon!

July 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMeri

I've seen double rainbows since my son was born.

July 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLoraine

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