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Clubs? Where did I put my clubs?


There they are!

We have two new, super awesome clubs that have been in the planning stages for, like, ever.

Stash Menagerie


Some of you know that I collaborated with some other talented dyers for our Yarn of the Month club for more than two years. After so many years together (sniffle), we were both ready to try new things. Stash Menagerie was born as a way to enhance your stash and get yarny goodness in the mail every month. (You can see more about it here, if you're interested.)

Sock Yarnista


This is really the be all and end all of sock yarn clubs. Exclusively designed patterns. Goodies. Seriously, the BEST yarns, anywhere, ever. Ever. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm biased.

But I don't think so.

(More info on this club here.)

These clubs are keeping me awake at night with excitement. My friends and family are like, "All right. We get it. Yarn club. Woo." So we're going to spread a little excitement around to people who actually care (apparently NOT my friends and family ;).

Ready? We are giving away three single month memberships to either of our clubs! (Your choice.) If you are already a subscriber, you can enter too -- you'll either get a free month of membership, or an extra skein in your shipment, whichever you prefer.

TIME'S UP! Enter your first name and real email address below (sorry, gotta keep the spam away), and leave a comment telling us why you like to knit or crochet. That's all! A winner will be chosen using a random number selector. You have until 7:00 pm Eastern on Tuesday, June 3rd to enter. Good luck to you! :D Please note that we'll use the email you leave as a means to contact you, so please be sure it's correct!

Reader Comments (213)

I love to knit because it's both relaxing and gives me something to do with my hands during what might otherwise be wasted time. The lovely things to wear or give away when I'm done are a definite bonus to the process. :)

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMegan

I love to knit because I get to finish things. As a stay home mother, I feel like I never get to finish... there is always laundry or dishes or cleaning or teaching or something to keep doing. You never finish. With knitting, I get to create and I get that sense of completion that I seem to crave.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavina

I love to do all kinds of crafts but knitting is my favorite.
It is so relaxing and it keeps my hands busy. I knit in the car, when i walk, watch t.v. browse the internet, whenever I can find the time I will be knitting.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterValerie

Just the satisfaction of watching a ball of yarn transform in to some wonderful fabric-a pair of socks, a sweater, a blanket, who knows....My hands love to stay busy-knitting is always soothing, sometimes an escape, always a comfort

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDaphne

I've crocheted since I was a teen, but always wanted to knit. My mom tried to teach me once but it didn't go well. I gave up, until I became pregnant with my 3rd and started reading about the wonders of wool soakers :)

Once I got over sticker shock at seeing how much these soakers were selling for, I thought "I can make those and save money" HAHA. Save money, with knitting?! Now I own more yarn than I'll ever use up, but I love it.

I knit to relax, to enjoy the fiber, to see how colors will turn out, to see what I can do. I love seeing the project take shape and turn into something :)

Most of all, I knit because I NEED to now, its turned into an OCD type thing for me. If I'm not knitting than something is wrong, as my DH says "you feelin ok?" if I'm sitting down with no needles, LOL.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDawn

Congrats on the new yarn clubs! I love to knit and crochet because I need to make things. I love creating something from (almost) nothing. Of course, now I'm hooked on spinning and sewing which leaves less time for my first loves.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTasha

These days, I knit because my hands feel empty if I don't. :) I love watching how a skein works up, and seeing how the colors turn out.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterScarlet

I love to knit because it's so meditative. When I knit, I'm not thinking about anything but what I'm doing, and sometimes I'm not even thinking about that. It's a time when I can get out of my head and have a bit of peace.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJen

I love to knit because it relaxes me. Also, I love to give people things I've made. It seems so much more personal to me.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKim

Awesome Sharon - woohoo! This is such an exciting new transition for your business, I really wish you the best!!!

I love to knit because it fulfilled a life long goal for me to be able to do it - it's relaxing, creative and portable/practical with a young family. It's something I will do forever. :)

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJulie

I learned to knit a few years ago and I really enjoy making and creating things for myself, my family and friends. There's a sense of pride when I say "I made that!" and a also a sense of awe, as in "I made that?".

It's also a way to challenge myself and to learn new things; I have made baby blankets, toys, hats, scarves and sweaters for my family and for each one I've had to learn something new.

As many of the others before me have said, it's a way to relax. I'll sit down with my knitting at the end of the day, turn on a movie and before I know it, the stress of the day has melted away.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristine

I am just learning how to knit. So far it's a great outlet and very calming. Hopefully one day I will be good enough to share what I make with other people :)

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

I love knitting because it is one of the last things I remember my grandmother teaching me before she died . I can still see her little frail hands knitting on my blanket I still cherish today .

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDevon

I taught myself to knit because I wanted to do something creative with my time. I had tried sewing, and while I enjoy it on occasion, I am a horrible seamstress. I found that knitting fulfilled a creative void I had in my life and it is something that I am quite good at.

There is also something quite fulfilling about taking one artists' work (the dyer) which appears to be nothing more than string (to the untrained eye) and turning it to anything. You can make an entire garment, or outfit for that matter, from one long "string". This, in itself, is amazing, regardless of whether you knit or crochet. And while some just consider a sweater to be something you wear, I consider it to be one of the most complex pieces of artwork that a person can own. Its just a bonus that you can also wear it.

In the time that I've been knitting, it has also become more to me than just the artistic and creative outlets I needed. Several years ago it developed into a business for me, and I now knit for profit. I've also been through some personal struggles, and along with family and friends, my knitting has helped soothe my senses, calm my fears, and ease my pain. It gives me something to do when I'm bored, yet I can also do it while doing other things at the same time. And finally, it has opened a door to new friends of all ages, ethnicities, and opinions. It ranks right up there with chocolate, in my opinion!

Congrats on your new clubs as well. I look forward to hearing about more exciting news from you in the future.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAndrea

I love to knit because I love yarn! It is very relaxing and something I can start and put down and come back to later, which is important to me since I have two young children. The possibilities and challenges are endless, and I love the knitting community!

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAndrea Santaga

I love the rhythm I get when knitting. As most of you know, there is not rhythm when young children so I use knitting as a way to keep peace within myself.

Oh, I do love FO as well. Especially, socks.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMollie

I love to knit (and sometimes crochet) because I love to create one of a kind and special things for my family, friends, self etc. Knitting with handspun is a treat in itself as well as will hand dyed yarns made my some talented indie artist or from my own shop. Knitting brings peace and clothes my boys.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

I love your yarns! :)

Why I love to knit ... because I can sit and relax and still be productive. Knitting for my children brings me great satisfaction and joy! :)


June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

I love to knit because of the beauty of knitting. They way the yarn moves over my fingers, the way each stitch is created, and the final result of having something beautiful and functional that I created with my hands. With hand dyed yarns it always has the added charm of watching the colors glide by an d intermingle! Half the fun is seeing if you get stripe, or flashes, or pools of beautiful colors. What's not to love? And seeing my daughter run around in something I made for her? AWESOME.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJeanie

Knitting and crocheting are my way to relax and to feel creative. I love the colors of the yarn, and the textures, and the suprise of how it finally looks when the project is complete!

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBecky

I love to knit and crochet because they provide me with a creative outlet and a way to relax. One of my grandmothers knit and the other crocheted, so knitting and crocheting help me feel a connection to them.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAngela

I love to knit for many reasons but mostly to play with yarn and because it relaxes my mind :).

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

What I like best about knitting is the amazing things I'm able to create for my kids and friends. Nothing is better than giving someone something cool and then having them realize that you actually made it for them. Plus knitting is a totally portable craft which I need when I'm on the run as I have yet figured out a way to make sewing at the park easy, lol!

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStephanie

I crochet because it nurishes my brain and spirit. While I sit in my nursing chair, holding my sleeping nursling, I can crochet away--making something for the kids, myself or a customer and know that I will be a better mom and wife because I've given myself the "me" time that I need.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteremily

Knitting and crochet are my escape. It's my time to relax and think.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

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