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Clubs? Where did I put my clubs?


There they are!

We have two new, super awesome clubs that have been in the planning stages for, like, ever.

Stash Menagerie


Some of you know that I collaborated with some other talented dyers for our Yarn of the Month club for more than two years. After so many years together (sniffle), we were both ready to try new things. Stash Menagerie was born as a way to enhance your stash and get yarny goodness in the mail every month. (You can see more about it here, if you're interested.)

Sock Yarnista


This is really the be all and end all of sock yarn clubs. Exclusively designed patterns. Goodies. Seriously, the BEST yarns, anywhere, ever. Ever. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm biased.

But I don't think so.

(More info on this club here.)

These clubs are keeping me awake at night with excitement. My friends and family are like, "All right. We get it. Yarn club. Woo." So we're going to spread a little excitement around to people who actually care (apparently NOT my friends and family ;).

Ready? We are giving away three single month memberships to either of our clubs! (Your choice.) If you are already a subscriber, you can enter too -- you'll either get a free month of membership, or an extra skein in your shipment, whichever you prefer.

TIME'S UP! Enter your first name and real email address below (sorry, gotta keep the spam away), and leave a comment telling us why you like to knit or crochet. That's all! A winner will be chosen using a random number selector. You have until 7:00 pm Eastern on Tuesday, June 3rd to enter. Good luck to you! :D Please note that we'll use the email you leave as a means to contact you, so please be sure it's correct!

Reader Comments (213)

I love crochet as I'm quicker at it than knitting & I don't have to worry about dropped stitches so much when my son wants to get involved. Also I get fidgety if I just try and sit down to watch telly without something to keep my hands busy.... Even when I'm asleep I'm dreaming about the latest designs I'm working on... solving the pattern problems & literally dreaming up new ideas! My husband says I just drift off into my own little textiles world & wake up refreshed... for another rampaging toddler fun packed day :)

Love the new blog

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFiona Kelly

I knit therefore I am! haha... seriously I like to keep my hands busy and what better way than to make something you can wear. Since taking up knitting ALL my other craft interests have suffered, it all just cuts into my knitting time :)

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda

I knit for many reasons, the best of which are:
1) I can't eat and knit. Knitting kills calories.
2) I can't beat/strangle/fold or anything like that to my children, or the children I am charged with caring for while their mommies earn huge saleries.
3)I'd fidget myself into something ugly and less productive while the TV is on. Our last Writer's Strike could have left me sort of Amy Winehouse-ish.
See? Knitting Good!

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLizAndrsn

I am a busy mom and knitting is one of the only things I do for myself. It helps me unwind at the end of the day and it is a bonus to have something to show for it! The day ends that much better when you have a yummy yarn to knit.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

Knitting helps me find my zen space while giving me a creative outlet. Pretty amazing for making a bunch of loops out of a piece of yarn, huh?!? But it's true! Yarn in my hands equals tranquility.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterApril

Kniiting is my solace in the morning and evenings. I love to create, and I find inspiration in almost everything.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGen

Oh how exciting!

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShanna

Knitting is my way to be creative and methodical at the same time. It appeals to my artistic side and my logical side, for a little bit of balance in the day.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKate

I love to knit and crochet because I feel so great wearing an item that I made or giving away something handmade.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCynthia

I love to knit so I have warm socks for my forever cold feet!

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

Knitting is my peace and my patience. I take my yarn and current projects with me wherever I go. It helps me keep my patience when waiting at doctors offices, when online at the bank, during graduation rehearsal (two different times) it's kept me busy and distracted from the long wait of endless practice.

I love finding out how a colorway is going to knit up... I get really excited when I see my favorite colors, hues and hints of shades pop up during a project in just the right place. I guess I'm just yarn crazy:p

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLissa b.

Knitting is my meditation.

My mind's always going, going, going so knitting is the perfect means of relaxing, keeping my fingers and mind occupied and being productive all at the same time!

Granted...I love the process: The search for patterns, buying the yarns (of course!), writing up the pattern in my little black knitting book, the numerous cast on, rip outs, recast ons until I get it right. Then watching the pattern magically unfold. Satisfaction!

Now if I could become addicted to actually finishing projects like I am to casting on new ones...I'd be a happy gal. :)

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkimberli

Knitting is my way of relaxing, and anything I get finished is a happy bonus. :)

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTanya

Knitting relaxes me too and is a fantastic way of passing the time on the train during the commute. I also like being able to make things for myself and others to enjoy.

Thanks for the contest!

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterhelenlam

Knitting relaxes me. I have been known to knit at red stop lights, which helps to control any road rage that might be brewing. My life can be pretty stressful.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMary

Knitting - it is peaceful, it is creative, it is enjoyable. I only wish I had more time to do more knitting!

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJen

Can't wait for new sock yarn!! Your new site looks great!

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKathryn Sigman

Knitting and crocheting help me when I am at my lowest points (and every point inbetween of course too hehe) - when my depression gets severe enough to make me hide away from the world inside the house, I turn to my needles and sticks for company and work my fraustrations away.

It also means that I have been able to start my own little website up, becoming a WAHM myself and giving myself pride in my achievements even though I've only just opened. I love putting wool soakers on my son, and I love knowing that I made them with my very own hands especially for him.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

Knitting is a creative outlet, and also a stress release, for me. Being a busy homeschool mom of 3 girls, I don't get much downtime for myself. Knitting definitely gets me the "me time" I need. And, my oldest dd wants to learn to crochet to make those cute Amigurumi that is on my list to start this month so I will be able to help her. You picked a great day to do something so cool (On June 3rd I'll be another year older - no telling how many though)!

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTabitha

I like the feeling of creating things myself (makes me feel clever-LOL!) and knitting is so portable and relaxing, and interesting-I'm always learning something new, and I really enjoy using the things I've knitted!

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVanessa

i knit because it keeps me sane in a house full of kids... and pets... and a husband... as in "wow! the house is a serious mess and the baby is eating dog food again and my husband is mowing the lawn in his way too small t-shirt that he has had since high school for all the neighbors to see, but look how nice this sock yarn is knitting up! it is very zen like for me :D

this is a wonderful give away! fingers crossed and hoping i am picked!!

plain and simple, it was a way to knit crazy leg warmers in my ABT ballet days and still knitting them while teaching ballet at my young age of 81,
This is what knitting and glorious yarns do for you.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosephine Jensen

i have always been a maker, i make clothes, i bake bread, i make jewelery all of which i still love to do but knitting trumps all of them. i can still make beautiful things for friends and loved ones but knitting is portable and sociable, i can hang out with the family or with a group of friends and still knit. especially socks. i learned to knit just so i could knit socks. knitting and giving socks to those i care for is on my top 10 list of things that bring me greatest joy. knitting is just the best!

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjackie

Why do I like to knit? I love how the fiber feels in my hands, I enjoy making things for others, and the idea of spending my time making something that is useful to either wear or use is very satisfying. The process of knitting/spinning/designing/dyeing fibers is also very soothing.

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCharity

I knit because..... why DO I knit?? I enjoy having something to do with my hands while I wait for a doctor's appointment, or while I watch tv or sit in the carpool lane to pick up the kids. I love the feel of the yarn (some more than others ;) ) the feeling of accomplishment when I finish something. I love the feeling that I am surrounding my loved ones with my very essence when I make them a hat or scarf that will warm them in the winter; it's like I can be there to warm them. And, there's that part of me that enjoys the bit of rebelliousness that comes from being a young woman knitting. So very against the stereotype, KWIM? :D

June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMonica

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