Clubs? Where did I put my clubs?

There they are!
We have two new, super awesome clubs that have been in the planning stages for, like, ever.
Stash Menagerie

Some of you know that I collaborated with some other talented dyers for our Yarn of the Month club for more than two years. After so many years together (sniffle), we were both ready to try new things. Stash Menagerie was born as a way to enhance your stash and get yarny goodness in the mail every month. (You can see more about it here, if you're interested.)
Sock Yarnista

This is really the be all and end all of sock yarn clubs. Exclusively designed patterns. Goodies. Seriously, the BEST yarns, anywhere, ever. Ever. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm biased.
But I don't think so.
(More info on this club here.)
These clubs are keeping me awake at night with excitement. My friends and family are like, "All right. We get it. Yarn club. Woo." So we're going to spread a little excitement around to people who actually care (apparently NOT my friends and family ;).
Ready? We are giving away three single month memberships to either of our clubs! (Your choice.) If you are already a subscriber, you can enter too -- you'll either get a free month of membership, or an extra skein in your shipment, whichever you prefer.
TIME'S UP! Enter your first name and real email address below (sorry, gotta keep the spam away), and leave a comment telling us why you like to knit or crochet. That's all! A winner will be chosen using a random number selector. You have until 7:00 pm Eastern on Tuesday, June 3rd to enter. Good luck to you! :D Please note that we'll use the email you leave as a means to contact you, so please be sure it's correct!
There they are!
We have two new, super awesome clubs that have been in the planning stages for, like, ever.
Stash Menagerie

Some of you know that I collaborated with some other talented dyers for our Yarn of the Month club for more than two years. After so many years together (sniffle), we were both ready to try new things. Stash Menagerie was born as a way to enhance your stash and get yarny goodness in the mail every month. (You can see more about it here, if you're interested.)
Sock Yarnista

This is really the be all and end all of sock yarn clubs. Exclusively designed patterns. Goodies. Seriously, the BEST yarns, anywhere, ever. Ever. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm biased.
But I don't think so.
(More info on this club here.)
These clubs are keeping me awake at night with excitement. My friends and family are like, "All right. We get it. Yarn club. Woo." So we're going to spread a little excitement around to people who actually care (apparently NOT my friends and family ;).
Ready? We are giving away three single month memberships to either of our clubs! (Your choice.) If you are already a subscriber, you can enter too -- you'll either get a free month of membership, or an extra skein in your shipment, whichever you prefer.
TIME'S UP! Enter your first name and real email address below (sorry, gotta keep the spam away), and leave a comment telling us why you like to knit or crochet. That's all! A winner will be chosen using a random number selector. You have until 7:00 pm Eastern on Tuesday, June 3rd to enter. Good luck to you! :D Please note that we'll use the email you leave as a means to contact you, so please be sure it's correct!
Reader Comments (213)
Knitting fulfills a creative need as well as a need to create something useful. Knitting is wearable art. When I sit, I knit. I sometimes even walk and knit. I've tried to read and knit, but can't get the logistics worked out. Knitting is not my hobby, knitting is my passion.
I have been in love with fiber since my mom first handed me a crochet hook at age 8. Today, knitting is my therapy, my creative inspiration, my social outlet (thank you Wed. nite sip n' knitters) and my passion.
What a question! Why do I like to knit, huh? Well, it started out as a way to afford wool bottoms for my cloth diapered kids. But it quickly (and I mean QUICKLY) became more than that. I love the challenge of learning something new (there's always a new technique to try!). I love watching a garment or toy or (fill in the blank) take shape in my hands. I love the feel of the yarn running through my fingers. I love the clicking of my needles, even! I love the sense of accomplishment when project is finished and blocked. I love when people look at me and ask "Did you make that?" and I can say "Yes!! I did!"
Knitting - well, at this point, it has become a part of who I am. It grounds me. It is my escape. It can relax me, and challenge my thought processes at the same time. I simply cannot imagine my life without knitting.
And I really love that it makes my mom laugh - she thinks I've reverted back to Little House on the Prairie days. LOL!
I love the yarn. The soft, glorious fibers. The beautiful colors merging. I enjoy the smooth feel of the cool, metal needles in my hands. I love creating beautiful items that my kids and I can wear and enjoy. Knitting connects me to my grandmother who first taught me to knit when I 8.
I learned how to knit over 20 years ago when I was in college. I knit 3 or 4 sweaters and then put it away. After my son was born I decided to use cloth diapers and started knitting again so that I could use wool covers. That was 4 years ago. So I started knitting again to save money but now I knit for me. I have never been very creative and I love that knitting allows me to create different things! Knitting is now part of me, I never go anywhere without my knitting and I knit every day. My knitting is something that belongs just to me but the finished product is something I can share with whomever I choose. And then sometimes I think I knit just so I can buy more yarn (lol) but I don't have any addiction problems - really!!
To me crocheting is a way to relax yup I sit and go into my little bubble and crochet all day sometimes, the repeat motion is relaxing. It is also one of my many creative outlets. It is fun to me that while relaxing I get to make something which I usually end up gifting to family members or friends. I also knitted a long time ago and I am seriously thinking of picking it up again, I did nice things back then. It also reminds me of times with my mom and my grandma since my mom thought me the basics of crocheting and my grandmother the basics of knitting, I'll cherish these memories forever.
I love everything about it - the plain and the complicated - It is definitely my stress reliever! and while I have been crochetting or knitting for a long time - now that I have a little one I think knitting is the only me time that I still take.
Can' t wait for the sock club to start!
My grandmother taught me to crochet/knit when I was about 8 (which is now many decades ago). I have done both over the years to varying degrees. However, for the past 10 years I have been pretty obsessive about it.
I have a somewhat demanding full-time job and two young children. Right now knitting is something I can still squeeze into my schedule without ignoring my kids too much. I've finished numerous socks while watching the Disney channel or Nickelodeon.
Why WOULDN'T I like to knit? Its a creative process, its meditative and grounding, it lets me feel accomplished and productive, and it gives me something to do whenever I have to sit still.
I enjoy making things with yarn and love choosing the colors and watching my projects grow.
I just joined the Stash Menagerie last week and can't wait for the fun to begin!
:D I love to knit. I love the feel of the yarn through my hands. I love the fact that I can make something out of a pointy double ended cable (circs only) and some string. I love the fact that it is totally portable, I can take it to the park and watch my kids play AND be productive. I love it when I'm stuck somewhere and am still productive rather than steaming like others around me (unless I've forgotten my knitting).
There are so many reasons I like to crochet. I love numbers & patterns are a great way of playing with numbers - with the added bonus of creating things in beatiful colors. It helps with my diet - my hands are busy so I can't eat. Its something to do - I get bored watching tv. Its unique - noone has exactly what I have with my projects. Its challenging - just when I think I have it down pact, there's always a new pattern figure out. . . . I could go on, but I think that's enough for now.
I knit for my sanity and because it's also a way for me to think. I'm an interior designer, and if I get stuck on a floor plan I can go knit a few rows and it gets my creative juices flowing again. Plus, I love all the COLORS.
I love to knit because it challenges me nd relaxes me. I think all the books in the self-help section should be replaced with knitting books or other crafty books! Knitting is such great therapy!
Why do I love to knit? There really are so many reasons! It's a creative outlet that's both portable and soothing. It's both practicable and enjoyable. I get something out of it even when I knit for others because I put my heart into it, and I can customize it to the gift recipient. I love how my kids squeal with excitement when I give them a new knit item that mommy made just for them. Knitting also helps me concentrate - it keeps my hands busy so I can sit reasonably still when I need to, where I can't if I don't have my knitting.
To knit is to create. To create is to feel fulfilled, centered, proud. Knitting is a release, but it's so much more than that. It's a relationship with yarn. :)
I just joined the sock club the other night. Really looking forward to it. Why knit? For me; it has actually helped me to come out of my shell socially... we have some great knitting groups here in Maine with very caring & dear people. You can't between the knitting community for support and help!!!
I knit to relax and to think. I love that I can take a skein of beautiful yarn and turn it into something useful that someone will love and wear to keep warm or a toy a child will take to bed every night. I knit because the finished product always makes my heart happy =)
I knit for 2 really big reasons 1. I solve most of my problems when I knit. 2. I carry on a family tradition of beautiful handwork/handcraft that began generations ago. I know that my great grandmother had needles and thread of some kind in her hands, just as I do. It's comforting.
I love to knit because it relaxes me and helps me chill out when my days are hectic and full of also passes the time well when traveling and/or waiting in dr's offices for appointments.
I love to knit because I love fiber of all forms. When I was 5 years old I asked for fabric for Christmas. I cannot remember not loving fiber!
My life is very busy and often extremely stressful and I find knitting is one of the only things that soothes my soul, calms me down, helps me find the true rhythm of myself and life, and enables me to slow down and breathe.
Sometimes I wake up in the night unable to sleep, and I knit in the dark. Once I accidentally knitted my stitch marker into the fabric while doing this. The next day, I briefly considered cutting my beautiful marker with a wire cutter and instead got a crochet hook, took a deep breath, dropped the stitch the 12 rows, retrieved my marker and pulled the stitch back up. Go me! So not only do I knit to relax but to also learn new things and learn to trust my abilities. :-)
Lastly, my knitting is a representation of my time, care and attention and my children know this as they always want me to knit things for them, and wear them proudly when I do. :-)
Noit sure there is enough room to write why I knit...I guess b/c I relieve stress (keep from killing my kids) to avoid housework, to fill the time between kids' activities and most of all b/c I love to creaste!
I learned to knit while recovering from knee surgeries. I'm completely unable to do only one thing at once, so it kept me from going insane at a time when my only option was read or watch tv. Knitting (and now spinning) has now become my creative outlet. I love color, I love discovering what hand dyed yarns become when knit up. I love finding just the right pattern for a particular colorway. And I'm so darn addicted to handknit socks that I can't ever give it up now!
Why do I love to knit? Because it is a way for me to relax. And I can relax with it anywhere - I knit at the beach, at the park, while reading, in the car (unfortunately not anymore, now that I am the one always driving!). I love to watch the colors come together as I knit, to feel the yarn slipping through my fingers.
I'm so excited for these clubs to start!
Why do I knit? It started as something to keep my hands busy, then moved to practical use in making soaker pants and baby items. . . Now it's still something to keep my hands busy,also to keep my mind still. But I'm moving to creating beautiful things for myself, my friends and my family. I feel like I'm doing something constructive, and the gift recipients have something they love and know was made with love.