Clubs? Where did I put my clubs?
Friday, May 30, 2008 at 7:09PM
There they are!
We have two new, super awesome clubs that have been in the planning stages for, like, ever.
Stash Menagerie
Some of you know that I collaborated with some other talented dyers for our Yarn of the Month club for more than two years. After so many years together (sniffle), we were both ready to try new things. Stash Menagerie was born as a way to enhance your stash and get yarny goodness in the mail every month. (You can see more about it here, if you're interested.)
Sock Yarnista
This is really the be all and end all of sock yarn clubs. Exclusively designed patterns. Goodies. Seriously, the BEST yarns, anywhere, ever. Ever. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm biased.
But I don't think so.
(More info on this club here.)
These clubs are keeping me awake at night with excitement. My friends and family are like, "All right. We get it. Yarn club. Woo." So we're going to spread a little excitement around to people who actually care (apparently NOT my friends and family ;).
Ready? We are giving away three single month memberships to either of our clubs! (Your choice.) If you are already a subscriber, you can enter too -- you'll either get a free month of membership, or an extra skein in your shipment, whichever you prefer.
TIME'S UP! Enter your first name and real email address below (sorry, gotta keep the spam away), and leave a comment telling us why you like to knit or crochet. That's all! A winner will be chosen using a random number selector. You have until 7:00 pm Eastern on Tuesday, June 3rd to enter. Good luck to you! :D Please note that we'll use the email you leave as a means to contact you, so please be sure it's correct!
There they are!
We have two new, super awesome clubs that have been in the planning stages for, like, ever.
Stash Menagerie
Some of you know that I collaborated with some other talented dyers for our Yarn of the Month club for more than two years. After so many years together (sniffle), we were both ready to try new things. Stash Menagerie was born as a way to enhance your stash and get yarny goodness in the mail every month. (You can see more about it here, if you're interested.)
Sock Yarnista
This is really the be all and end all of sock yarn clubs. Exclusively designed patterns. Goodies. Seriously, the BEST yarns, anywhere, ever. Ever. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm biased.
But I don't think so.
(More info on this club here.)
These clubs are keeping me awake at night with excitement. My friends and family are like, "All right. We get it. Yarn club. Woo." So we're going to spread a little excitement around to people who actually care (apparently NOT my friends and family ;).
Ready? We are giving away three single month memberships to either of our clubs! (Your choice.) If you are already a subscriber, you can enter too -- you'll either get a free month of membership, or an extra skein in your shipment, whichever you prefer.
TIME'S UP! Enter your first name and real email address below (sorry, gotta keep the spam away), and leave a comment telling us why you like to knit or crochet. That's all! A winner will be chosen using a random number selector. You have until 7:00 pm Eastern on Tuesday, June 3rd to enter. Good luck to you! :D Please note that we'll use the email you leave as a means to contact you, so please be sure it's correct!
Reader Comments (213)
I love to knit for many reasons. I love the way the yarn feels in my hands. I love looking at a finished item and seeing each looping and knowing that my hands made everyone!
I love to knit because it keeps me grounded in a hectic life. Everything just moves slower when I've got a set of needles in my hands. My son climbs up in my lap, and we just relax to the gentle clicking of my needles & watch my creations grow, almost as fast as he is. There's nothing better than that.
I love knitting because it gives me a sense of connection to women across the ages. I love the history of knitting and the feeling of being a part of something that is larger than life. It has helped me to really appreciate the artisans that take time to study and perfect their craft. It is amazing when you pick up a hand knit project to feel the connection to the artist and their love for the craft and the desire to recreate that same feeling.
I started knitting when I was in 4th grade to make little blankets for a diorama for a school project. Since then I have been an on-and-off knitter. It gives me something to do to keep my hands occupied when my brain is busy, and I get a great finished product out of it:)
I knit to de-stress myself from the day, to have a quiet moment where I can focus on my project. It's also a wonderful time for me to gather my thoughts about the day's events.
The creative process is a boost to my confidence; knowing that I have created something by myself keeps me humble but proud at the same time.
Lastly (but not least), knitting keeps me connected to a tradition and group of people that I have come to realize are my best friends. We share stories, laughter, joy, techniques and time with one another. To me, friendship like that is one of the greatest joys to have in life.
I started knitting to keep my hands busy so I wouldn't snack in front of the tv!
But then I learned that it quieted my mind as well as occupied my hands. Oh, and it does help to keep me from snacking as well :)
Let's see why do I love yarn? The pretty colors? The squishiness of it? The way the colors in hand dyed yarn can entertain me? (Yes, I am easily amused.) The way it entertains me for less money a month than cable tv? Growing up and getting to go to all sorts of museums early in life have made me appreciate fine art. And fine art includes knitting. I always have my camera and my knitting with me. And people are always amazed at the hand dyed yarns that I prefer. And when they learn that I love indie dyed yarns, I have to explain what indie dyes yarn is first but they realize that I am creating fine art to wear with needles and string.
I love to knit because it's relaxing and invigorating at the same time. I love the pride I feel when I create something, no matter if it's simple or complex, from a ball of yarn. It's amazing!
Knitting is a great way for me to relax in the evenings when the kids are all in bed. It is also something to do while watching all those bad movies that my husband loves!!!
I love the fact that knitting unites two separate and seemingly opposed facets of my personality: it's an outlet for my compulsion for artistic expression and it also satisfies my need to feel that I am spending my time in a useful way, since the result is always something practical and utilitarian. There's a deep satisfaction that comes from knitting something beautiful for a loved one.
How can anyone *not* love knitting, that's what I keep trying to figure out! I think what I love best is the way knitting can be whatever you want. Practical or ludicrous; decadent or economical. Relaxing, challenging, or playful. Neon, pastel, jewel-toned, tweedy, or plain vanilla. You can ignite your creativity, or follow blindly. You can wear it, wash with it, put it under your cat, or give it away. You can even undo it and start all over again!
Plus, I'm addicted to hand-knitted socks. :-)
I love to knit because it makes me feel calm and relaxed. I also love that it is something productive I can do with my hands.
Knitting is a fabulous way to destress after a long day at work. I love how you can find a pattern that you can do on autopilot while watching a complex movie or you can immerse yourself in the toughest stitch pattern and let the beauty flow from your fingertips! Knitting is a very rewarding hobby that leads to fabulous stash enhancement!
I like to knit because I love color, and I love to see how the colors will work up and come together in a finished project. And it keeps my hands busy!
I love to knit because it relaxes me. It is something that I do just for me and I get to create this wonderfull things for my daughter that she can cherish and pass on to her kids.
I love to knit because I enjoy creating something tangible with my hands. Somehow, this craft makes me feel connected to those who came before me and I feel blessed to carry on the fiber arts knowledge.
I'm new to knitting and it started as a challenge. Since taking the challenge on I have fallen in love with learning how to knit the relaxation that it has offered. Each project I look forward to the knew skills I will pick up from it.
Knitting relaxes me and keeps me focused so that I am a better mom and wife.
Knitting holds a special spot for me as it is a window into the past of my people,my culture, and the rich history about them that I cherish.
I love being creative in many ways but knitting(especially with wool) always reminds me of where I came from and why I have the unique qualities that I express that were handed down to me from my people so long ago :) Knitting is fun and I'm so glad I learned to do it!
I taught myself to crochet over 15 years ago and to knit about 4 months ago. I love seeing an object slowly emerge from a skein of yarn and to see the joy on the faces of those I give them to. Knitting and crocheting keep me sane and help to relieve stress from my daily life. The colors in yarn evoke emotions and bring back memories from years ago, like morning on the mountain with a creek rushing by, or a special picnic in a flower filled field ....
I love knitting because it satisfies my finger-twitching multi-tasking needs and makes something useful and purty eventually.
Knitting and crocheting are just so cool! There aren't a lot of ways to essentially make something from next to nothing and then enjoy that something for years.
Quite simply, knitting is the only thing that keeps me (half)sane!
Why do I like to knit - many reasons - the finished product, a pair of warm socks that weren't just purchased, the knowledge and comfort of knitting, the peace, the zen-like qualities of knitting, the way the colors play out in a piece --- will they flash, will they pool? -- the feel of the wool as it glides between my fingers, and as I pet the yarn in my stash.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing my cutie pie toddler nephew wearing and looking so gorgeous in something I have created. I can't wait to finish one garment so I can start the next!